chapter 10

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"Bella what do you mean???" Jaime smiled at her "i don't know you guys am sorry but it's like i seen your faces" she said pointing to me & Mike...."We are your brothers Bella" mike replied..Mike was out the room it looked like he was gonna punch someone...

Mike's P.O.V (yess!! First time)
I asked the doctor what was wrong with Bella.He said she lost memory but in about 10 days she will get it back because it's not like me completely forgot everyone.

"Bella we are taking you with us to our bus,is that ok??" i asked
"Well even if i don't yet remember anyone i feel safe.." she said...
Wish she got her memory back...

Bella's P.O.V
It has been the 9th day since am living with people that i dont even remember,this past 9 days i haven't gotten out the bus at all because i was trying so hard to remember everyone...I got this versions of the guy name Vic & Mike,good one and bad one's....I was positive that they were my brothers!!! How can i be so stupid forgetting my own brothers!!! "Vic!!! I remember you all!!!" i yelled and i just jumped on everyone, "Bee your back!!!" i could hear everyone saying that...I even remember i was a photographer and a youtuber!!! Also i remember i commited suicide but i still don't now why?

I keeped on hearing this deep voice screaming at me inside my head..Who is it!!!!

After everyone stopped hugging me i plopped on the couch next to my best friend Jaime i even remember that..."sorry everyone if i acted so stupid" i giggled..."it's fine princess" Mike said...ok he is weird,he hates me i remember how i got into depression because of him I know people can change but my brother never changed...

"Bella want to go to Olive Garden?? Your favorite restaurant remember?!!!" Vic said "Vic i remember everything ok,and yes bro totally want to go!!"

We arrived at Olive Garden and me & the whole band were warring PTV merch how cool is that?? Also i remember thagy brother's are in a band i would never forget that..."Vic am gonna go to the bathroom to wash my hand really fast ok??" "we also have to go" he looked at everyone,everyone was groaning and saying "fuck you man" how funny....I got up first and some one taped my shoulder when i was about to opened the women's bathroom "B--Bella?? You alive??" said a deep voice the same deep voice i keeped on hearing earlier.." i know you??" i looked at this tall guy that had blue eyes..he was smiling but when I asked him if i knew him his smile dropped..who is this guy??

Sorry guys,feel like my story is stupid lol..guess what!!! My birthday is in about 2weeks!! anyway hope u like this chapter..peace out thug pugs!!✌

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