Chapter XVIII

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Chapter 18

Pirates In Love


After 12 years,

Natalie's POV

"Aaahhh!!Such a nice weather today!"I smiled as I stood near the ship of the Sirius deck.

"You know you shouldn't stand near there,cuz' I might push you!Haha!"Tyler said as he tried to push me but Edward stopped him.

"Don't be too cocky here Tyler."Edward said.

Tyler ~Russel's Son
Edward ~Eduardo's Son
Me ~Nathan's Son

When I was 2 years old,Tyler and Edward started living in the ship where my dad and his mates are doing their duties as pirates.They we're my childhood friends and as we grew up we learned how to study,read and fight.

Right now I'm twelve years old,Tyler is thirteen and Edward's fourteen.Yes,I'm the youngest,deal with it!

"Oh yeah!You should probably not try to imitate you're dad with that eye patch.You look really ugly."Tyler yelled at Edward.

"Oh?You're picking a fight now,eh?You know you'll regret this."Edward said and took out his pistol gun.

"Haha!I'm going to win this time!"Tyler said as he took out his sword and hitted Edward with it.

"You know I'm going to win again,right?"Edward chuckled and dodged the attack and shooted his gun.Tyler quickly dodged it and fell to the floor.

"You guys..."I sighed.

"My,my.I guess some people here are getting a little rowdy!Ka-ka-ka!"Captain Morgan laughed.

"Tyler,I told you train your sword fighting.I wouldn't want Eduardo boasting about his son's wins.."Russel sighed.

"You know I always win between the two of us." Eduardo smiled.

"In your dreams!!" Russel hitted him in the shoulder.

I smiled as I looked both at uncle Russel and Eduardo fighting and Tyler and Edward also doing the same thing to each other.Father like son,I thought as I slightly laughed.

"Natalie,come here." I heard father call for me.

"Coming!" I quickly went to the kitchen where father is,cooking.

"Help me peel the potatoes." He smiled at me.

I nodded and smiled back and helped peel the potatoes and set the table at the dining room.

"Lunch is ready everyone!" I shouted to the deck and called the others.

"You seem lively today Natalie." Christopher smiled at me as I passed by him through the hallway.

"Hehe,well father said we pirates should always be lively and at it!" I laughed.

"Haha,I guess you're right.You go wake up Aunt Jane there." Christopher pointed the door behind him and went to the dining room.

Aunt Jane,Captain's woman.They're likely the same,drinking liquor all day together..but Captain does more work than her.But Aunt Jane always dresses me up and also teaches me sword fighting.

I walked to the door and knocked 2 times.



No answer..I knocked loudly again.After a few seconds,there was no answer again.I quietly opened the door and saw Aunt Jane lying in the sofa and the room reeks of liquor.

"Aunt Jane,time to wake up." I said I woke her up.

"I hate you Morgan!You're cheating on me again!" She shouted as she threw a bottle of liquor near her through the wall.

"A-aunt Jane..?!"

She opened her eyes and looked at me with surprise.

"Oh,Natalie.Good morning..sorry about that." She smiled at me as she fixed her hair.

"Lunch is ready.." I said as I still trembled a bit from what she did.

"Oh is that time already?I'll be there after I take a go ahead." She said as she streched her arms and got up from the sofa.

"Okay." I smiled and went to dining room where everyone is.

We all ate lunch together and then Uncle Russel and Uncle Eduardo started to go at it again and challenged each other to a eating contest.

"Shut up!I'll win for sure!" Uncle Russel shouted to Eduardo as he took all the food to his mouth.

"You don't have manners at all,this is surely my win." Eduardo said as he ate the food in front of him.

But in the end we all laughed when both of them felt sick and none of them won.After all that,me and father cleaned up and washed all the dishes.

Someday,just someday,I'm going to be the strongest pirate ever.And if that happens,maybe..just maybe I can find mom easily.That way if I find her,the Siruis crew will be complete again!

"Nathan,can I borrow Natalie?" Aunt Jane went to the kitchen where me and father were.

"Sure." Father said and smiled at me.

"Thanks~" Aunt Jane laughed and dragged me to her room.She made me seat in front of her dresser as always again.She smiled at me as she looked at me through the reflection of the mirror in front of us.

I looked at her and blushes a bit.Aunt Jane is so pretty..with her long dark red hair and overwhelming smile.It always makes me feel at ease.

"You look so much like your mother." She smiled as she took out some ribbons from the drawer at the dresser.

"Y-you know my mom..?"

"Well I never got to talk to her but I saw her one time at the Pirate Island.And I also heard stories from Captain Morgan about her." She said as she combed my hair.

"Was she pretty?What did she look like..?" I asked.

"She had long brown hair and she had the same eyes as you.She was pretty and kind-hearted,which was probably the reason why you're dad loved her that much." She said as she started braiding my hair.

"I see.If only I'd met her..or even remembered what she looked like..maybe I could still think that I still have a mom." I said as I started to become gloomy.

Aunt Jane started to tickle me."Oh dear,stop being so gloomy." She laughed as she tickled me.

"Aunt Jane..Hahaha!Stop!Hahaha!No more!" I shouted at her as I laughed back.

She stopped and patted me in the head.

"You're special.Never think you don't have a mom just because she's not here with you.There's still hope for us to find her.So keep that smile in you're face and become strong,okay?" She smiled as she caressed my cheek and hugged me.

"Okay!" I smiled as she hugged me.

To Be Continued~

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