Chapter XIX

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Chapter XIX

Pirates In Love

Natalie's POV

I was seating near the edge of the deck.Feeling the cold morning air.I was used to the cold already.I always woke up early to clean the deck.So I was always the one who wakes up early in the morning.But not all the time.As I looked up the sky,slight tears swelled down my face.

Eh..?Why am I crying?..

I thought to myself.I quickly wiped my tears with my right hand.Mom...where are you..?

"Natalie,up early again eh?"

I looked behind me.It was dad.I stood up and ran to him,hugging him tight.

"Thinking about you're mother again?" Dad looked at me as he patted my head.

I nodded against his chest.Tears started to swell up in my eyes.God,why am I crying right now?This is embarrassing,what if Tyler and Edward sees me like this?

"Ohh?Yer' crying?I thought you said you're all tough like me." Dad teased.

"Shut up..."I muttered.

He hugged me tight and kissed me in my forehead.

"Look up.We're all here for you,the whole Siruis crew is here for you.And you're mom,wherever she is right now,I'm sure she'll be proud of what you've become today." Dad smiled at me.

I wiped my tears and looked up to him.I gave him a bright smile.

"Are you practicing on how to comfort people dad?Captain told me you we're really cold then when you haven't met mom yet.."I laughed.

"Oh?Trying to joke around again eh?"Dad smirked and ruffled my hair like I was a dog.

"You can stop now dad.."I slightly laughed.

"Oh,it seems you two are up early."Russell snuck behind dad and smiled at both of us.

"Mornin' Russell.."Dad waved at him and stopped ruffling my hair.

"Good morning uncle Russell."I said as I gave him a smile.

"Captain said we'd be sailing at Pirate Island today."Uncle Eduardo came in the conversation.He yawned,he must be sleepy from navigating and sailing the ship last night.

"P-pirate Island..?!"I shrieked in surprise and excitement.Really?Finally I can see the Island where cool pirates roam.

"Little too excited there huh?"Dad slightly laughed.I gave him a glare and continued to be excited for the trip.

"Why are we heading there anyway?"Dad asked.

"It seems the Council wanted to have a meeting with all the pirates.And there had been rumour about a pirate princess.."Russell said.

"Pirate Princess..?"I asked.

"We still don't know the details.But captain has been hearing these rumours at the islands we stop at these past few days."Eduardo added.

Pirate..Princess?Who could that be?Maybe she's pretty and stuff cuz' she's a princess..and tough cuz' she's a pirate.That sounds cool.

Pirate Ship
~Narrator's POV~

"Men!We're heading to Pirate Island!"their captain shouted to his men.

Pirate Island,an island where pirates have a place where they can do whatever they want.They had freedom to do so in that island for they were pirates.The Pirate Island was also the place where the Pirate Council started.Those who rule and guard over the seas.


But of course there we're also Pirates who rule over the dark corners of the sea.One example is the sea known as the Bloody Triangle and other more dreadful parts of the sea.The Pirate Island was a place for all the pirates around the map.

"Aye Captain!"his men shouted and went back to their work at the ship.

"Hmm?Pirate Island eh?Never been there before.."A man with blonde hair and light blue eyes muttered.

"Well you are new at the pirate life Jake."Another man said with dark blue hair and yellow colored eyes.

"Pirate Island..."A man with black hair and red colored eyes sulked."Sounds pretty boring to me..."he added and sighed.Sitting in his chair,puffing out smoke.

"Oh come on Luke,surely it will be fun."the man named Jake with blonde hair said excitedly.

"Probably the reason why we're going there is because of her..."Another man said with black hair and dark brown eyes said.

"You mean Rose?The Pirate Princess.You're just jealous Frederick."the man with dark blue hair chuckled.

"Shut yer' mouth George!Why would I be jealous?!She doesn't even go outside of the basement.We don't even know her or what she looks like!"the man named Frederick exclaimed.

"She's like a mystery in the ship.Even though all of us are at the same ship she is.."Luke muttered as he dropped his cigarette from his hand and stepped on it.

"Well the captain said we'd meet her some time and all.I have a feeling we'll meet her soon.You'll see!Cuz' my predictions are always right!"the man named Jake with blonde hair smiled .

"Hmm...whatever."The man named Frederick gave out a slight grin while the others laughed out with the man named Jake.

Luke took out another cigarette from his box of cigarettes and put it back on his pocket.He lighted the cigarette and continued smoking just as usual earlier."Pirate Princess eh..?"he puffed out smoke and smiled."Sounds pretty interesting.."he whispered to himself as he smiled devilishly.

To Be Continued~

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