Chapter 11

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Alice's POV


I was awaken standing in a forest, everything was green. 

I started to go down the dirt path that was covered in flowers, leading to a large meadow. When I reached the end there was a tree but, not just ordinary tree is was a tree with gold pears on them all shine so brightly. 

"Adam and and Eve were told not to eat from this tree"

I turned around and saw that it was that fairy in my dream. She was wearing a white dress that went down to her ankles and her red hair ran perfectly down her back.

"You" I said.

"Yes me"She smiled. Then it turned into a frown.

"Listen to me Alice" She said coming towards me and grabbing onto my wrists. 

"You are in great danger as the only of our kind that is still alive" 

What was she talking about, what am I?

"You are an half-fairy and half vampire"She immediately answered my question.

She pulled out a mirror and it showed my reflection.

"Let's see the future shall we"

"The mirror than became foggy and then it showed me. They sky was dark and me and Damien were Running, in the woods from wolfs. They finally caught  of to us and tore us apart.

"That is your future Alice but, you can prevent it."

"What do I need to do, to prevent it from happening? " I asked.

Before she can answer everything started to spin.

"Just take your title as a Queen and everything should be ok" she yelled,then I fell into darkness.

*End of Dream*

I woke up with sweat on my body, I tried to get up but, I couldn't everything from earlier started to come back to me.I was still chained to the bed......

Kiddnapped to be married as a vampire bride-#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now