Chapter 4

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Nick woke up the next morning to the smell of coconuts. As he opened his eyes he realised that he was neither in his bedroom, nor his house and the smell of coconut was wafting through a closed door to the left of him.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, looking around to see a mixture of beige, purple and dark brown. Colours Isabelle would have hated to have in a bedroom. Nick groaned and remembered his dream. He was grinding against Selena, her body teasing him to no end. He could feel his erection trying to rip through his boxers.  What made it even worse were the words she had said to him. She’d be his partner in crime. She wanted to help him get over his missed teenage years, and she barely knew him.

When Selena emerged from the bathroom in just her underwear and a robe she noticed Nick and smiled. “So you’re awake then.” She smiled. He watched her as she picked up a drink off the nightstand and two tablets. She climbed onto the bed and held them out to Nick. “They should take away your headache.” She admitted.

That was when Nick realised his dream wasn’t just a dream, but a reminder of last night’s events. The headache and the groggy feeling in his stomach should have told him that last night was real. He was hung over and completely confused on how he ended up in Selena’s bedroom, Selena’s bed in just his boxers and shirt. “What happened last night?” Nick finally spoke, his voice deep and full of sleep. He took the tablets and downed them with the water. “Did we?”

“Have sex?” Selena asked as Nick nodded. “No, you were pretty drunk and Josh was going to spend the night with Jen so you came back with us. You got undressed, dropped into my bed and fell to sleep.” She smiled. Nick just nodded and handed Selena back the now empty glass as she got out of bed and put it back on the night stand. “You hungry?” Selena asked, turning to him.

“Yeah,” He admitted. He looked around and spotted his jeans by the door. He climbed out of the bed and picked them up; whilst he was slipping them on he could feel eyes on him and turned to Selena who was staring at him with wide eyes. “What?”

“Do you always wake up with an erection?” She asked nonchalantly as she grabbed her clothes off the chair and slipped out of her robe.

Nick watched as she dressed in shock and in awe. Selena’s body was beautiful, tan, toned and curvy in all the right places. The only female body he ever saw was Isabelle’s. It was quite a sight to behold and only made his erection more prominent. Suddenly he turned, feeling a little frustrated. “Do you have to do that?” He asked angrily.

“Do what?” Selena asked, shrugging on her shirt.

“Change like that, right in front of me.” He told her, running his hands over his face.

“Well Nick, this is my room and I can change in here if I like. Plus, you had a choice to turn away.” She admitted, slipping on her shorts and then her slippers.

“What is wrong with you?” He sighed. He never had experienced anything like this. Not even Isabelle would change directly in front of him.

“Nothing is wrong with me.” Selena frowned, walking over to Nick and standing in front of him. “You’re acting as if you’ve never seen women in their underwear before.” She admitted.

Nick just sighed and teased his hand through his hair. “It’s not everyday someone just changes right in front of you, especially a stranger who you only met yesterday.”

“Hey! You know my name, I’m not a stranger.” She told him, a smile on her face. He realised Selena couldn’t stay serious for long; she seemed like the type of girl who just wanted to have fun, didn’t he not want that?

“So,” Nick began. “Last night you told me you wanted help me with a few things? Is that card still on the table or were you just drunk?” Nick teased, not expecting her to take it seriously.

“I’m still up for it.” Selena admitted with a shrug. Nick was quite shocked to hear her say that. “Why? Did you think I only said it because I was drunk?”  Nick nodded. “Well Nick, I’m new to the city and want to have a good time. We all need to rebel at some stage and just break free of society; I wouldn’t mind tagging along with you.” She admitted.

Nick realised that he was twenty seven and never once had lashed out at life. He was curious at what the world had to offer. He wanted to get over this aching need to branch out so he can go back to his life and move on. “So, what should we do first?” Nick asked.

“Ever smoked weed and got high?” Selena smirked.

“No, not really.” He admitted.

“Well then, let’s get you sobered up and get Jen and Josh to join us.” Selena smiled, pulling Nick out of her room and into the kitchen.

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