Chapter 13

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“Selena hurry up! Nick’s been waiting for half an hour!” Jennifer screamed down the hallway. Nick had already gone home, showered, changed and then drove back over to the apartment all whilst Selena was getting herself ready. Selena’s muffled reply reached Nick’s ears but he couldn’t make out a word she had said. Jennifer sighed and walked back over to the sofa as she sat beside Nick. “It seems like she is trying to impress you tonight.” Jennifer smiled.

“Why would she do that?” Nick asked as he turned to Jennifer. It’s not like they were dating or even in a relationship.

“Oh come on Nick, we all know that once you’ve had sex it’s going to stir emotions. Don’t tell me she is still just some fuck buddy to you?” Jennifer spoke, watching Nick as he looked away from her and down at his shoes. He was not going to lie.  “See, I am always right when it comes to this.” Jennifer smiled.

“Just because you’re right about me doesn’t mean you’re right about her.” Nick pointed out. Selena had shown no sign of this physical relationship being anything more than exactly what it was, a physical relationship.

“Okay, look. I’ve known Selena for years.” Jennifer started. “At the end of the night, when you kiss her you’ll notice that even when you pull away, her hands will linger on you somehow, as if she doesn’t want to let go. If she does that after this date of yours, then you’ll know.” Jennifer told him just as Selena’s bedroom door opened. “Finally,” Jennifer sighed as she got up and winked slyly at Nick before walking off. “Have fun on your date.” She called out just before she walked into her bedroom and shut the door.

Nick stood up and turned to see Selena in such a beautiful dress it took his breath away. She wore a beige dress that ran from the bottom of her knees to the top of her chest. A mint silk belt was wrapped around her waist, held by a silver pendant on her left side.  It hugged her body perfectly, accentuating her curves and bust. “Wow, you look amazing.” Nick breathed out as his eyes wandered around her body in awe.

Selena smiled and noticed Nick was wearing dark blue jeans that were very much tight in the crotch section. He then wore a dark blue buttoned shirt with a black jacket over the top. Selena’s eyes were now the ones wandering before her eyes met his and she was met with a smirk on his lips. “Well don’t you look quite the catch?” Selena laughed.

Nick just shrugged which made Selena laugh more before he held his arm out and Selena took it and they left the apartment. The drive to the restaurant was quiet but it wasn’t the awkward quiet that always started at the beginning of dates, it was more relaxed.

When they were seated at their table the food was ordered and they ate and talked about their lives. Selena told Nick about how strict her family were and Nick told Selena about his father’s business and why Nick never joined him. It turned out that Nick chose Isabelle over his family, a mistake he had made because he was head over heels in love with the ex-wife. By the end of the meal Nick paid the bill and they headed out to the car.

“Oh I need to use the ladies room first Nick.” Selena told him as he stopped and let her go.

He waited in the reception area for her to return when a voice called his name and every hair on Nick’s body stood up. Nick turned to see her, Isabelle. She looked amazing in a white chiffon dress, her black hair spiralling down her head and across her chest. Nick froze and didn’t know what to say to her. She was the reason his heart was still shattered into a million pieces.

“How are you doing?” Isabelle asked once she approached Nick. “You look well.” She admitted.

“Thanks.” Nick said sharply. “I’m doing great. How are you?” He asked, his eyes glancing at the bathroom door that Selena was now walking out of.

“I’m doing well.” She smiled before she followed Nick’s gaze. “Who’s she?” Isabelle asked him.

Nick turned to face Isabelle again when Selena had joined him. “Isabelle, this is Selena, my girlfriend. Selena, Isabelle.”

Selena’s eyes widened as she was introduced to the ex-wife, and she understood why Nick had her as his girlfriend. For some strange reason though, Selena really wanted to throttle the women that had broken Nick’s heart. “Hi.” She said softly before looking at Nick noticing how tense he was. She took his hand and gave it a squeeze, making Nick relax slightly.

“Hi, I didn’t know Nick was dating.” She admitted, looking back at Nick questioningly.

Selena ignored her and turned to Nick. “Sweetie, we better get going home. You have your interview tomorrow.” She lied. Nick nodded and Selena turned back to Isabelle. “I would say it was a pleasure meeting you, but it’s not.” Selena smiled, sarcasm dripping in her tone before she turned to Nick and planted a kiss on his lips. “Let go baby.” She whispered and Nick left, not glancing back at the now shocked and furious Isabelle.

When the fresh air hit Nick he sighed and turned to Selena. “Thanks.” He said simply. Even though he hated Isabelle, he still couldn’t help all his old feelings rushing back, and then came the heart break and betrayal. It was a mixture of major emotions that seemed to stun him.

Selena squeezed his hand again. “No problem.” She smiled as she walked Nick to the car.

The drive, again, was silent. Nick was driving in a brooding silence and Selena just gazed out the window, leaving Nick to think. If he wanted to talk, he would. Nick was angry now, he was furious at Isabelle. She seemed completely fine, like the last eleven years were nothing to her when they were once everything to Nick. He hated the way she made him feel then and he hoped he would never have to see her again, but if they ever do bump into each other again, Nick didn’t want any feelings trapping him down, like a boulder pressing down against his shoulders. He wanted to be free from her. For good.

Nick seemed to have forgotten about Selena because he pulled up into his own driveway. By now his knuckles were white from clenching so hard on the steering wheel. He turned and noticed Selena was frowning out of the window. “I’m sorry.” Nick sighed. “I’ll drop you off.”

“No, it’s okay.” Selena told him as she undid her seatbelt. “I’d rather you be with someone tonight.” She admitted.

Nick nodded and they both climbed out of the car and headed to Nick’s door. Nick’s shoulders soon slouched and a long sigh left his lips. He was exhausted now from everything.

Selena noticed and put her hand on his shoulder, turning him around before she pulled him into a warm hug. Nick complied and hugged her back. No words were shared, only their warmth and Selena’s comfort. Nick soon relaxed and hugged her tightly. It was such a simple gesture but it felt like Selena’s actions needed no words, and Nick was comforted just by her body, and the sweet way her hand stroked his hair.

When Nick finally pulled away he felt Selena’s hands drop from his neck, down his shoulders and to his elbows where she left them for a few seconds before withdrawing them. Jennifer’s words soon sprung to his mind.

“…you’ll notice that even when you pull away, her hands will linger on you somehow, as if she doesn’t want to let go. If she does that after this date of yours, then you’ll know.”

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