Chapter 15

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‘Love is in the air, everywhere I look around. Love is in the air, every sight and every sound…’

Selena’s eyes opened slowly as the song invaded her dream and pulled her into reality. Selena groaned and turned over to see Nick already reaching for the alarm clock. Selena couldn’t help but notice how broad his back was and how his muscles tightened as he leant over. Giving in to her sudden urge she leant toward Nick and kissed right in between his shoulder blades.

When she pulled away Nick turned to her with an amused expression on his face. “Why, thank you.” He chuckled, making Selena smile. The hurt and upset had left his face, his eyes now sparked with happiness and Selena was glad she could help.

“Morning handsome,” she finally spoke as she sat up and rubbed her tired eyes. “Do you have work today?”

“Sadly, yes.” Nick admitted as he too sat up and pulled Selena to his side. “Do you?”

“Nope, day off for me,” Selena smiled as she cuddled into his side. Nick planted a kiss on the top of her head and she looked up, waiting for the moment when his lips met hers. When they did she kissed him softly, her hand going to the side of his face as she cupped it and brushed her thumb gently across his cheek bone. When they broke apart Selena’s hand lingered there before she let him go.

Nick’s mind went straight back to Jennifer and her words of wisdom. He just hoped right now, that she was right. “I was thinking after work I pick you up and I take you out again.” Nick voiced.

“Like another date?” She asked him, hoping he’d say yes.

“Yeah, another date,” he smiled, leaning in and capturing her lips in another loving kiss. “What do you say?” He asked when they pulled apart.

“Sounds like fun.” She smiled, kissing his clavicle.


‘If there is something then at least just say it. I want to know what this could mean for us. What do you have when it happens? I think they call it love…’

Nick hummed along to the song that was playing as he finished off his work. He had had everything planned for his date with Selena. He wanted tonight to go smoothly and for it to be special for Selena. He knew that he vowed never to fall in love again but that was obviously an impossible notion because he was already falling for Selena, and hard. 

He didn’t know when it happened and he didn’t expect it but he was glad that his vow had been broken. Selena was slowly becoming to mean everything to him and he liked it. Selena was a free spirit, she was wild but passionate. She lives her life the way she wants it and doesn’t let the obstacles in her life slow her down.  She was everything Nick liked in a woman.

As soon as the clock struck six he packed away his papers, locked up his desk before grabbing his satchel and heading out of the office and toward his car.


‘My hearts a stereo, it beats for you so listen close…’

Selena sang along to the song playing on the radio as she got ready for her date. Nick had just text her to let her know he was on his way and told her to dress casual. Selena pulled out a beige oversized sweater and some light denim shorts. She matched it with beige flats and a black cross necklace. She curled her hair and let it fall behind her back.

When she was finished she walked into the living room for Jennifer to approve of her outfit choice. Jennifer smiled when she saw Selena and motioned with her finger for Selena to spin. “You look gorgeous Sel.” Jen admitted honestly.

“Thanks.” She smiled. “He told me to dress casual.” She admitted, rubbing her sweaty palms on her oversized jumper.

Jen grinned at that, knowing it was a sure sign Selena was nervous. “Someone’s nervous. What happened to just sex?” She asked teasingly.

“I don’t know Jen, its crazy because I really, really like him.” Selena admitted as she sat beside Jennifer. “What do I do? I really want this to be more but I have no idea whether he wants the same.”

Jennifer laughed at that. “Oh come on Selena. You’re not that naïve. The dude stood up for you to your parents, calling himself your boyfriend, and this is your second date. I’m happy to say this means just as much to him as it does to you. Just wait.” Jen grinned.

Selena nodded and waited impatiently for Nick to show up. After an hour of waiting Selena’s resolve started to fade, by an hour and a half Selena gave up and Jen smiled sadly at her as she stormed off into her bedroom.

Jen bit her lip and looked at the clock, what was Nick doing? He had told her himself that he had feelings for Selena so why was he standing her up right now!

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