Chapter 14

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Selena watched from the bed as Nick maneuvered around the bedroom, he looked so heartbroken that all Selena wanted to do was jump on him and make him forget about Isabelle. And the weirdest part is Selena didn’t want to be rough and sexy with him like she has been the last few weeks, she wanted to be slow, caring and even loving. Her heart was sinking at how upset he looked and how tired he was. This whole house must remind him of her and it wasn’t helping him at all.

Selena climbed off the bed and walked over to Nick, his back facing her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder. “You okay?” She asked, cuddling closer to him.

Nick felt the warmth of Selena’s embrace and sunk into it. “I’m fine.” He rasped as he turned in her arms and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Let’s just go to bed.” He smiled softly.

Selena nodded and let go of him before climbing back onto the bed. When Nick joined her she cuddled up to him and pressed her lips against his. After a few moments she pulled away. “Do you want to talk about it?” She asked him.

Nick shook his head. “I’d rather just do this.” He whispered as he pressed his lips back onto Selena’s. Selena complied and kissed him back. Nick could feel the difference, she was being affectionate instead of feverish and he had no idea if it was a pity kiss. He pulled away and sighed. “Selena, do you like me?” He asked her.

“Of course I do Nick.” She responded right away.

“So you’re not taking pity on me?” He asked, “Because normally by now we’d be completely naked.” He admitted.

A smile appeared on Selena’s lips from what he said. “I don’t want us to have meaningless sex tonight.” She admitted. “I want to show you just how gentle I can be.” She told him, taking out the word loving and replacing it with gentle. She had no idea what her feelings for Nick are right now.

Nick nodded and cuddled her closer to him. “Sex with you is never meaningless.” He whispered so quietly that Selena had to really strain her hearing to hear him.

She smiled and leant up, kissing Nick softly. “I’m glad you feel that way.” She whispered, kissing him again, “because I feel the same way.” She admitted.

Nick smiled properly for the first time after his bump in with Isabelle. Selena felt something for him.  Jennifer was right, there was no such thing as meaningless sex, especially when it came to Selena, a girl Nick has only known for three weeks. He leant back in and kissed her lips passionately.

She complied and kissed him back softly, their lips just relishing in the tender kiss that sent Selena’s heart racing and her body to heat up by the tenderness of their lips. When she felt his tongue graze against her bottom lip she welcomed his tongue, brushing her own against his. His hands worked their magic and she was soon naked underneath him. Selena had to pull away to get her breath as she worked to get his boxers off. Once they were both naked Nick’s hands roamed her body, feeling the softness of her skin before kneading her breasts in his hands which caused Selena to moan.

Selena pressed her lips against Nick’s neck and for the first time her lips roamed around until she felt him shudder as she hit his soft spot. She smiled against his neck, another moan leaving her mouth when she felt his hot breath against her perked nipple. When her nipple was in his mouth Selena kissed his soft spot again, her tongue caressing the soft spot just as his tongue caressed her nipple.

When Selena least expected it she felt himself push inside of her and she let out a long moan which was reverberated by Nick’s. His movements were slow and loving and Selena’s hips moved with him. Selena pulled Nick’s head up from her breast and she kissed him lovingly as they made love for the first time.  Nick’s movements were slow, calculated and he went deeper inside of her which made Selena lose control, her body spiralling as she came over and over again until Nick’s seed was released and they were both spent.

Nick pulled from her as he lay on his back. Selena’s body covered his like a blanket and they both went to sleep that night huddled together closely, a smile on both their faces and an imprint of each other on their hearts.

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