Chapter 16

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By nine o’clock Selena was fuming, he had blown her off and he didn’t even have the decency to call or text to let her know he bailed. She checked her phone one last time, seeing no new messages or missed calls, before she scrolled to Nick’s number and pressed call.

By the fifth ring he had picked up. Well someone had picked up. “This is Nick Jonas’ phone, who is calling?” A feminine voice spoke, making Selena’s anger turn to heartbreak in mere seconds.

“Who’s this?” Selena asked, her heart pounding in her chest as her anger started to rise again. He had blown off their date to see another woman!? Selena knew she couldn’t be angry at that, to Nick their relationship was strictly sex. Selena knew one day he’d move on from her, but she didn’t expect it so soon, and she didn’t expect to become so attached to him.

“This is Isabelle, his wife. Who is this?” She asked again. Selena’s anger hit the roof and she wished she could strangle Isabelle through the phone.

“Ex-wife,” Selena corrected. “And I’m Selena, his current girlfriend.” Selena told her through gritted teeth. “Now what are you doing with Nick’s phone?” Selena demanded.

“Selena? Well this is awkward.” She said with a tone full of fake pity. “Nick is in the bathroom at the moment. He’s decided to take me back.” She told Selena, the fake pity still in her voice but you could tell she was smirking.

“What?” Selena asked. “He would never do that, you broke his heart.” She pointed out but the phone went dead and Selena threw her phone to the wall in anger. WHAT THE FUCK WAS GOING ON!? Selena wanted to shout but the words didn’t come out, for some reason her heart stopped, her knees went weak and she dropped to the floor. Could he have really taken her back? Why else would he have let her answer his phone? Oh god, she was with him now and Selena knew, she knew that whatever her and Nick had was now gone.

Just the thought of Isabelle sitting beside him, her hand on his knee and Nick’s smile broad on his face made Selena’s heart ache. Soon enough the tears started flowing and she broke out into sobs. In the three weeks Selena finally realised that Nick was the one for her. Nick was her soul mate, they were opposites of each other but when they were together they both became one. Selena had never felt so comfortable with a guy before. 

Selena felt someone wrap their arms around her and she looked up to see a worried Jennifer staring down at her. “He took her back. Nick took Isabelle back.” Selena whimpered and that only made Jennifer hug her tighter.

“I’m sorry hun.” She whispered. “Come on, I have a big tub of Ben and Jerry’s in the fridge. Let’s watch Mean Girls.”

Selena nodded and wiped her eyes angrily, her momentary break down gone and forgotten. She stood up and followed Jennifer into the kitchen. “I can’t believe he took his cheating ex-wife back.” Selena muttered angrily. “I can’t believe I’m crying over him.” She muttered before someone started banging on the door. “If its Nick, can you kick his ass for me?” Selena told Jen as she went to answer the door.

“It will be my pleasure.” Jen chuckled as she disappeared out of view. When Selena heard the door open she could hear mumbled voices before Josh appeared in the kitchen.

“Selena, it’s Nick,” Josh blurted out, his eyes wide with worry and his body shaking with adrenaline. “He’s been in an accident.”

In that moment Selena’s anger dispersed, worry hit her and she couldn’t remember running into her room, grabbing her purse and coat and then following Josh out to the car. Climbing into the car and the speedy rush to the hospital was a blur to her. It was when Selena was face to face with Isabelle in the hospital that the muted world came back to her and time started to slow down. 

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