Chapter 10

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Josh let himself into Nick’s apartment with the spare key Nick had given him. He went straight into the study to see Nick flicking through a job’s page on the internet. “Why are you looking for jobs?” Josh asked as he dropped himself onto the leather recliner seat beside Nick’s floor to ceiling bookshelf.

“I’m bored with my job.” Nick said sullenly as he flicked through another page. He was done with working for a firm that bought and sold off paintings, all it did was remind him of Isabelle and lately his thoughts were on her a lot. Selena hadn’t called him for three days; which led Nick’s thoughts to wonder to his ex-wife and what she was doing. “Anyway,” Nick spoke seeing as his thoughts were on Selena. “Have you seen Jennifer lately?”

“I’ve just came from hers.” Josh admitted. “Why?”

“I haven’t heard from Selena in days.” Nick admitted. “Just wondering how she was.”

“Oh, well Selena’s parents are in town and they are giving Selena a lot of grief.” Josh informed Nick. “For the five minutes I was there Selena was screaming at her parents, something about her having an arranged marriage.” He shrugged.

That made Nick turn around, swivelling in his chair to look at Josh. “Arranged marriage?” He chuckled. “Isn’t that a bit out-dated?” He did his best to hide what he was feeling. How could Selena marry some guy when he was…? He didn’t know what he was to Selena but he enjoyed having her around. He didn’t want her to get married.

“Well Jennifer was telling me how her family is really strict and wanted her to stay home and marry a wealthy guy. But she didn’t want to so she came here with Selena, to begin again.” Josh admitted.

Nick frowned and got out of his chair. “Well seeing as Selena is helping me, I best help her out a little.” Nick told Josh as he stalked out of his study and into his bedroom. Josh just frowned after him.


Selena was angry. She could feel the vein in her forehead about to burst. She watched as her parents looked down on her, disapproving of this new lifestyle she was in. They wanted to marry her off to Justin Bieber, a guy who Selena remembered as sadistic and a player. Rumours spread in high school about Justin being a nymphomaniac! He would never be able to settle down. Never! And if he did, yes Selena would be his wife, but he would also have many mistresses. That was no life for Selena. But her parents didn’t care, they wanted her to marry into a wealthy and stable family, just as her mom did before her.

“You can continue to look at me like that, but there is no chance I am moving and marrying Justin fucking Bieber!” Selena spat, causing her mother to gasp and her father’s frown to harden.

“Mind your tone with us Selena Marie Gomez!” Her father boomed. “This place is no good for you, you will come home.” Her father told her sternly.

Selena chuckled at that. She laughed and laughed as she watched her father’s impatience grow. “What are you going to do father? Drag me home kicking and screaming?” She spoke, sarcasm dripping in her tone.

“Selena, stop this nonsense and come home.” Her mother begged. “This isn’t your life. How are you going to be able to continue to afford this place?”

“I have a job mother.” Selena pointed out.

“It doesn’t matter if you have a job or not.” Her father interrupted. “You need a man in your life that is able to take care of you financially. Jennifer is already seeing someone. What happens when she goes to live with him? Will you be able to afford this place?” Her father asked. “Because there is no way I’m wasting my money if you’re not going to listen to us.”

“Who says I haven’t got a boyfriend?” Selena asked as she heard the front door knock.

“I’ll get it!” Jennifer called out as she ran to the door.

“Do you?” Her father asked. “Do you have a boyfriend?”

Selena contemplated on what she was about to say next. She could say yes, technically she was seeing someone, though it was strictly sex. She was about to open her mouth when she heard a familiar voice.

“Selena sweetie, why didn’t you tell me your parents were in town?” Nick asked as he walked up to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. He smiled at her shocked form before turning to her parents. “Mr and Mrs Gomez, I’m Nick Jonas, Selena’s boyfriend.” He said formally, holding his hand out, which Selena’s disbelieving father took.

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