Chapter Five

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Nick lay on the sofa with Selena as they waited for Jen and Josh to get back. Jennifer knew someone who deals and went to get a ten pack of weed. Nick watched Selena as she flipped through a magazine. It was weird to know that she would help him, bring him into a world that he always wanted to try. If Isabelle knew what he was doing then she would probably kick him in the balls.

“You’re staring at me.” Selena pointed out as she looked up from her magazine. “Nervous?”

Nick shook his head and turned to the television whilst Selena put her magazine away and joined him, watching the football. “Can I ask you a question?” Nick asked.

“Ask away.” Selena said as she grabbed the remote. “I’m sorry but I’m changing the channel. Football isn’t my forte unless I’m watching it live.”

Nick chuckled and sat up. “So, have you ever smoked weed?” Nick asked her.

“Yep, when I was in my teens, Jen and I went through a rebellion stage where we smoked weed and got drunk every Friday.” Selena admitted.

“Do you think it’s weird that I want to go through that?” Nick asked.

“Not at all, sometimes we have to move away from our reality to find it again.” Selena admitted as she looked at Nick.

“I’m home!” Jen called as she walked into the living room with Josh who plopped himself down on the opposite sofa comfortably.

“You got it?” Selena asked as Jen took a seat next to Josh and nodded. “Pass it over then.” She smiled.

Jennifer pulled the small bag of weed from her pocket along with a packet of rolling papers and some tobacco. Selena disappeared and came back with a small tube looking thing. She opened it up and put the weed inside as she ground it. Five minutes later Selena had made three weed roll ups.

“And there we have it.” Selena smiled as she took one and sat back. “You’re sharing with me.” She told Nick. Nick nodded and watched as Jen, Josh and Selena light up and take a nice long drag. Nick watched as Selena puffed out the smoke in little o’s. “Here.” Selena smiled, handing the splif (that’s how I refer to it xD) to Nick.

Nick put it to his lips and inhaled, the thick smoke hitting the back of his throat as he fought with himself not to cough. It was a very weird taste, but it felt good to Nick so he took another drag. Half an hour later Nick was laid back on the sofa, feeling his body become weightless. “I’m hungry.” Nick mumbled.

“I’m already one step ahead of you.” Selena smiled as she walked in with five boxes of pizza and two trays of BBQ chicken wings.

“Sweet,” Jennifer grinned as she picked up a box and placed it on Josh’s lap.

The four of them ate all the food happily and Nick actually was enjoying himself. It was an experience he liked and he looked around to see that Selena and Jennifer were awesome people and he considered them friends now. Especially Selena, who is helping him find himself again.

“I’m extremely horny.” Jennifer blurted out as she looked up at Josh.

“Come on then.” He chuckled, getting up and taking Jennifer’s hand as he led her to her bedroom, leaving Nick and Selena alone.

“She’s blunt.” Nick chuckled.

“That’s Jen for you.” Selena giggled as she sat on Nick’s lap. “So Nick, how do you feel?”

“I feel a little headache coming on but other than that, I’m pretty good.” He admitted.

“Yeah, we didn’t have a full splif so we’re coming down from it now.” Selena told him. “Want to do anything else today?” She asked.

“Sleep?” Nick smiled lazily.

“Come on then.” Selena giggled as she took Nick’s hand and pulled him to her bedroom. She stripped into just her underwear and climbed under the covers. Nick followed suit and once he was just in his boxers he climbed into bed next to Selena.

Selena noticed the bulge in his boxers and propped herself up on her elbow. “Looks like Jennifer isn’t the only one who’s horny.” She smirked. 

“What?” Nick frowned, watching Selena’s eyes downcast as he realised what she meant and nodded. “Well who doesn’t when he sees a girl in just her underwear?” Nick pointed out.

“Want me to sort you out?” Selena asked as Nick’s eyes widened a little. “I don’t mean sex.” Selena giggled. “I can get you off with my hand.”

Nick looked at her as if she was crazy. “Why would you want to do that?”

“Because it helps you out,” Selena shrugged. “Haven’t you ever been jerked off before?” Nick shook his head. “Have you done any type of fore-play?” She asked as Nick shook his head again. “Wow, you really haven’t had any fun, have you?” Selena giggled.

“Isabelle thought it was disgusting.” Nick admitted.

“Yeah, well I don’t mind helping you find yourself sexually.” Selena grinned.

“You would really do that?” Nick asked.

“Why not? Everyone has to learn at some point.” Selena shrugged. “Up for it?”

Nick would be stupid to decline. Selena was beautiful and was willing to please him and teach him. “Sure.” Nick smiled. School is in session!

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