Chapter 19 - Truce

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Caleb was a third of the way through reading an old dog-eared copy of The Shining when he heard tires bounding their way up the drive. His coffee had gone cold, the bitter grounds too much for his taste-buds. He recognised the car at once, it made his guts plummet into his borrowed boots.

Helen looked shocked to find her son sat in Jake's kitchen reading a book. It took her a few seconds to alter her plan. She struggled to find her words, not something she would usually struggle with. "We need to talk, Caleb."

"I know he's not dead," said Caleb, picking the book back up and thumbing through until he found the folded corner that marked his page.

"Of course not, your 'friend's' aim is terrible, but the threat cannot be ignored." She talked quietly as if not wanting to be overheard. Her eyes darted around the room as though she was looking for someone.

"He's resting, Anne sliced him up pretty bad, not sure if they told you that." Caleb looked up from his book at her derisive huff. "Adam started this, he threatened Jake, and he has HUNTED Madison," Caleb said through gritted teeth, trying to keep his fury from making him shout. "He made the first move and remains unpunished."

"He was shot."

"In self-defence."

"Who are you to judge?" Helen snapped, "Adam is family, your 'friend' is human, your loyalty is owed to us."

"Loyalty?" Caleb spat, slamming his book down on the table with such volition he knew he would struggle to find his place. "You tossed me aside like trash. You're all a bunch of racists, it killed the council and now it could kill you all for all I care. I'm done."

"Things have changed."

"Bull. Just because I find my gift you think I'm going to forget everything done to me?"

"Caleb, please, I'm trying to fix this mess."

"I'm not abandoning them. They need me more than you do." Caleb felt the tear track its way down to his lip, he could taste the saltiness as he spoke. "Why can't I be allowed to be happy?"

"Happy?" Helen laughed sarcastically, "This is the real world, Caleb, any attachment you have with these humans won't last, they never do."

"Adam stalked a human, hunted a human, constantly flouts our laws, and yet I am being punished for having a human friend. If you can't see the problem there then there is something really wrong with your moral compass." Caleb shouted, forgetting that he was trying to let Jake rest in the other room.

"You know what would happen if I resurrected the old council?" she said angrily, "Adam would get a slap on the wrist and your friends would be exterminated. Is that what you want?"

"Adam allowed Maddy to see what he was," Caleb's blood boiled, he was close to throwing the table across the kitchen. "I'm starting to think it was so he could get the thrill of the chase."

"That's not the story he told."

"Reoccurring theme that isn't it," said Caleb coldly, "Jake had no idea he was shooting anything other than a regular coyote, it was only when the eagle attacked him that he knew what Maddy was saying was true."

Helen stood dumbstruck, her brain unable to compute this new information. "I don't know what to do," she whispered, mostly to herself.

"Call a truce, they've violated more laws than we have. We'll keep their secret as long as they stay away. Coyotes harass livestock, it's only natural for a ranch owner to deter them from coming back."

"He won't accept it."

"He has to, the law is on our side, Maddy and Jake have both sworn to keep the secret, they pose no threat."

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