Chapter 7 - Lost

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"So let's take a look at him then," Buck said as he hopped out of his truck. A clipboard in one hand and a travel mug of coffee in the other. "See how bad he is," there was tiredness to his voice that suggested he would rather be in the comfort of his office.

"There he is, the buckskin," Jake pointed to Caleb.

"So he's just been left in the field?" Buck wandered over to the fence, he lifted his glasses to try and get a better view of the horse. "He hasn't tried to escape at all?"

"He's too bashed up to attempt it, I've had a halter on him to clean up his knees but other than that I've left him alone, not really sure what to do, so I called you." Jake tried to keep his mind positive, but doubt was nipping at his insides.

"You said his feet were bad, any chance you can bring him over for a closer look?" Buck didn't look up from his clipboard, he was too busy making notes.

"Sure." Jake led Caleb over to the fence, he could feel the horse was unsure, an undeniable tension through the rope.

"Damn," Buck leaned over the wooden rail to get a closer look, "They are going to need seeing to. His knees look superficial, they'll heal on there own as long as you keep the flies out, but those feet are a worry. How's his walking?"

"Hard to tell this morning, the weather's had him stood under the shelter," Jake clicked his tongue and put enough pressure through the rope to get Caleb to take a few steps forward, "The ground in here is soft, I can try him on the hard ground if you want?"

Buck thought it over for a moment. "No, he's not used to being led, I don't want to have to chase him around the yard if he gets loose."

Jake swallowed his emotions and nodded, Buck had made his decision.

"Is that Dezi?" Buck gestured to the old horse in the next paddock.

"Sure is, a bit greyer than the last time you saw her, but still full of beans," Jake smiled.

"How come she's with you? I would have thought your mom would have taken her." Buck looked puzzled, "They were one hell of a team in their day, I can't see her just leaving her here."

Jake sighed and focused his attention on stroking Caleb. "She wouldn't load, after all the years of competing across the state, the day mom left she refused to get in the trailer." Jake struggled with the word 'mom', he had been calling her by name ever since she left. "They tried both trailers, ropes, brooms, a bucket full of sweet feed, nothing worked. So Dezi stayed."

"Strange," Buck said with a look of disbelief, "You helped train her didn't you?"

"Yes, mom transferred her to me once she was titled and I took over riding when mom retired her from competing," Jake blinked the first sign tears from his eyes, "Mom even tried to ride her away from here. I don't know what happened, but Dezi came back to the ranch without her. I got a message telling me to keep her a short time later."

"So you know Mustangs," Buck nodded, chewing the side of his mouth. His eyes flicked between the elderly horse and the young stallion.

"I've been working with them alongside mom for years, there was never any need for me to have my own authentication, we never foresaw what would happen." Jake's hands tightened around the rope.

"I'm sure others might say otherwise," Buck said bluntly, "but that's none of my business and not what I am here for, I'm here for the horse, nothing else."

Buck's words came like a kick to the guts, but Jake bit his tongue, getting angry would not help him in this situation.

"Would you be able to get a veterinarian and a farrier out here tomorrow?" Buck pulled another piece of paper out of his clipboard and pinned it to the front. "He needs vaccinations, castration, a hoof trim, branding and official registration. If you want him to stay I need to see proof you are capable of providing all of those things."

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