Chapter 29 - Reflection

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Jake lay awake on the sofa, still unable to believe the ease at which his sister had not only accepted the truth but also the presence of Caleb so close to her family. He was sure he wasn't the only one awake, how could they sleep after all they had been through, and it wasn't over yet. He needed to tell Caleb.

His mind kept returning to the pink backpack and its contents, he itched to go and snatch it out of Maddy's truck to ensure that it was safe, but he didn't want his family asking questions. What lied inside was something he wished to remain a secret, something only to be discussed between Caleb and himself.

He watched the morning light creep up the windows. He's tired and the mirror in the washroom tells him as much, but the new dawn brings with it the promise of a new start. Something he was ready to grasp with both hands.

Above his head someone stirred, they padded their way down the stairs and opened the door tentatively.

"I'm awake," Jake whispered, folding his blankets and resting them on the arm of the sofa.

"Did mom not offer you the spare room?" Maddy looked almost as dog tired as he did, her usual glow absent.

"I didn't want to be an inconvenience, it's only one night, and I would rather be closer to the horses anyway." Jake's yawn brought tears to his eyes. His brain ached for caffeine, "Coffee?"

"I'm going to need it ." Maddy shuffled through to the kitchen and flopped down in the chair. "I'm still going to that show. They are not going to ruin this for us, Moonie has worked too hard to lose this chance to get through to the regionals, he could actually make it to the state finals if he keeps going this good. And I don't want to hear Grandma's gloating if she thinks we pulled out because she put her name down."

Jake clutched the coffee pot tight in his fist. "You can't go on your own, you can't have slept much, it would be irresponsible to attempt to drive that far." Jake set down her drink on a coaster.

"So what you are saying is, you're in?" She offered him one of her cheeky grins, it was enough to put some colour in her cheeks and made the dark circles under her eyes a little less prominent.

"I'll share the driving with you, we can switch out and power nap, you'll be in a better position to ride too."

"What about Caleb?" She sipped the searing hot beverage, "He needs to know what is going on with his family, I doubt he's interested in going to the funeral, but he might feel better knowing his dad is now in charge."

"You were listening?" Jake raised an eyebrow.

"The walls and floors in this place are thin, I couldn't help but listen." She rolled her eyes playfully.

"Later," Jake said as he watched the two horses doze in the orange tones of the morning.

"Soon." She snatched one of the rapidly softening peppermint cookies and dipped it in her drink, "We need to leave in an hour if we are going to make it in time."

"I'd better hop in the shower then, I can still smell the smoke on me, I won't be too long." Jake abandoned the conversation before it could turn back to Caleb. He grabbed a handful of clothes from his replacement holdall and headed up the stairs.

Turing the dial all the way to cold, he prepared himself for the frigid torrent. He suppressed a yelp. The water lifted any trace of tiredness from his body along with the dirt, he watched it cascade down his body and swirl around the plug hole.

The only thing it couldn't do was muffle the sound of raised voices in the kitchen, Maddy must have told her mother about their impending trip. Shutting off the faucet he stepped out of the cubicle and reached for a towel. He took his time drying and pulling on his fresh clothes, hoping their argument would simmer down by the time he returned.

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