Snowing Outside

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"It's snowing outside."

Isane stopped scribbling information onto the numerous number of forms generated from the war with the Quincy upon hearing the excitement in Hanataro's voice. Here eyes darted over to the window, and saw the soft white snowflakes falling against the grey background of the sky. "It looks like a snowstorm's approaching. How many medical Shinigami are on duty?"

The soft snowflakes fell outside the silent window from the darkening sky above. The fukutaicho of the forth waited for an answer to come from the younger Shinigami, but none came. She carefully turned her head to look at the brown haired youth, and watched as Hanataro's brown eyes darted to the wall nervously rather then looking her in the eye. His mouth also turned down as if something was bothering him.

"Most of the staff, we gave them the day off. We're operating on a skeleton crew." The young Shinigami's eyes darted towards the window. "Isn't it a bit odd that it's snowing this time of year?"

Isane answered the question by standing up so she loomed over the small Shinigami. Hanataro's eyes darted towards her indicating he needed more then the silent reply. "I guess so."

"This isn't because..." The young Shinigami's words choked out, and Hanataro yet again turned his head so his brown eyes didn't look her in the eye. "... this isn't because of Hitsugaya Taicho?"

Isane stood there frowning at the young Shinigami wondering if she should tell Hanataro what she really felt. She finally shook her head. "Don't' say such things. It's possible for snow to fall during the summer months."

The fukutaicho of the forth division watched as Hanataro continued to look away, and finally he turned to speak his mind despite the fact doing so was out of character for him. "I know it's possible for snow to fall this early, I don't think it's possible for there to be snow storms around this time of year.

The light haired female felt her mouth twist into a frown. "The implication is Hitsugaya Taicho is losing control of his own abilities due to the emotional stress he's under." A deep sigh escaped her lips, and she quickly left the office to try and take care of the problem. "I need to do my job, and not fret about my feelings. A Shinigami isn't supposed to feel any kind of emotion." Another voice in the back of her mind nagged away as she walked through the forth division halls. "That's a lie. He's a prime example, and you're honestly worried you'll lose another one."

Isane arrived at the small room, and let out a deep sigh before stepping into the room. Stepping in her violet eyes picked up sight of a small figure sitting on the bed in the private room with his right leg visably bandaged up. The white head of hair was nearly buried as the child taicho let his thin arms cover his head. A cold chill permeated the room, and yet the youth didn't try to cover up his thin, frail arms and legs to keep them warm.

The child simply sat there on the bed ignoring everything going on around him. A tray of food sat untouched on the table beside him, and alarms went off in Isane's mind. The light haired adult female slipped over and sat down slowly, and gently next to the boy hoping she wouldn't set him off. She reached her hand out to touch the boy's thin shoulder, only for Toshiro to jolt when her fingers came only a few inches away from her. "Don't touch me!"

Isane's pale eyes narrowed, and the corners of her mouth pushed down and in as she watched the small child push his legs and arms out so he could move away from her. Toshiro managed to back himself into a corner despite the awkward movement of his small limbs. His head hung down so his white locks of hair hung down hiding his eyes. The child's breathing came in pants.

"Hitsugaya Taicho?" Isane swallowed as the child didn't respond. "Hitsugaya Taicho, I need you to calm down and look me in the eye." Toshiro's small body shuddered as he worked on bringing his heavy breathing under control, and then he titled his head up so that his bright teal eyes looked her in the eye. The evident pain reflected in the eyes made Isane swallow again, and her eyes traced the frown on the boy's face. "Hi."

The fukutaicho of the forth watched the small taicho startle at this comment. Toshiro's head tilted to the side slightly, and some of the tension in his limbs left. The boy tried opening his mouth to say something, but quickly snapped shut when nothing came out.

"You need to eat something." Isane watched the boy shake his head. "Hitsugaya Taicho."

"I can't." The young taicho pulled his thin legs up to his chest, and rested his chin on top of his knees. "Is Rangiku going to die?"

The female fukutaicho startled. "He called her Rangiku instead of Matsumoto." The woman forced her mouth into a frown despite the sharp tightening in her chest indicating she wanted to cry. "Now why would you think that?"

"Everybody else did."

Isane let out a deep breath, and one hand started up to touch the soft head of white hair in an attempt to comfort the child. Her other hand reached up to stop herself, and she shook her head remembering how Toshiro had flinched when she almost touched him before. She turned her head away so he couldn't look her in the eye and tell she didn't believe what she was saying. "She'll be fine. Give her some time."

A silence fell over the room, and something made her look up into the young taicho's eyes. His normally bright teal eyes lacked the usual spark she was used to, and he looked more frail then he usually did. Isane felt her teeth brush slightly against her bottom lip, and she reached out for a blanket folded at the foot of the bed, and draped it over the boy's shoulders. "Try to eat something." She stood up and left the room. The snow flakes still fell outside, and her worry was far from sated. "Don't let us lose you as well Hitsugaya Taicho."

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