Burning Dreams

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Sitting still, and contemplating life wasn't his thing, but recent events left Bazz-B starring at the white wall in the rebuilt medical division of the Shinigami. The man set his jaw firmly as he stared at the white walls as closing his eyes didn't stop the torrent of thoughts flowing through his mind, nor did it stop the feelings he preferred keeping at bay.

Life had thrown him a nasty curve ball. The fingers of Bazz-B's good arm bit tightly into the arm placed into a swing causing the knuckles of said hand to turn white. Tension wracked his entire body as he weighed out the pros and cons of his side losing to the Shinigami. "We lost yet again to our life long enemies, and yet I always felt the real enemy was Juhabach. I switched sides in front of the Shinigami, so it really is no surprise that they're being amicable towards myself. What then is my problem?"

Bazz-B leaned back his head letting the wall bend his red mowhawk, and he closed his eyes knowing full well he needed sleep after receiving the injuries he did from Jugram. "I guess I still have unresolved business with him despite the fact I lost. Strange as I don't feel bad losing to him."

The man let his body relax, and soon he drifted off allowing him to go to another place. Bazz-B took in the place around him, and felt the tension come back as the familiarity caused a sinking feeling in his stomach. The stark white buildings towered around him, and it was as if the place was never destroyed in the first place. "And yet I know this place doesn't exist anymore. My childhood home burned a long time ago."

He found himself walking away from the buildings he once called home only to stop as he felt a tug at his clothing. He heard a soft childish voice from behind him call out. "Onii-chan, I want to go with you. I want to play with you."

"You can't come with me to see Jugram. You're to little, and we're not playing."

"I'm not to little! I want to go to."

Bazz-B glanced over his shoulder, but he couldn't see the face of the child. He did however feel something silver slip from his hand, and out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a silver necklace. "How could I have forgotten all of this. No, it's not that I forgot. I just don't like remembering."

He continued towards the forest with the soft childish voice calling out to him. Instead of coming out where he met Juhgram he came out at a place he could see his childhood home again. Bazz-B felt his throat tighten as his eyes took in the fire. He could make out the shadow of a small figure, and he heard a soft childish voice call out for him. "Help me onii-chan. I'm scared."

The shadow of the small figure reached out one hand towards his, and he stretched out his own to try and grab the small hand. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't reach the arm, and then his eyes snapped open to reality. Bazz-B felt a crick in his neck as he looked at the white wall, and his arm extended out. His teeth gritted together, and a curse escaped his lips. "Why that dream of all times?"

A calloused hand reached up to touch his forehead, and a shudder ran through his body as he closed his eyes. "I honestly don't feel better now that Juhabach is dead. We lost everything..." Bazz-B's eyes snapped open. "What did Juhgram lose? He lost his uncle, but was he ever close to that man?" A sigh escaped through his lips, and the red haired man leaned back against the wall. "No wonder we choose different paths." The man turned his head as he leaned against the wall, and his eyes now looked out the window. Snowflakes fell outside of the window, and the sky seemed to be darkening. "Isn't this the wrong time of the year for a snowstorm?"

A restlessness overcame the man, and he twisted his body around so his legs swung out to the ground. He pushed himself up off the bed with his good arm, and then proceeded to walk the halls. A light appeared in one of the rooms, and he stepped over to see some of the female Quincy who survived the war playing cards as they sprawled about in different positions in the room. He stopped and leaned against the door frame.

The first to notice him was Liltotto, and the look she gave him made it clear she was not pleased to see him. "What do you want?"

"I'm just curious about what all of you are up to."

He watched as Bambietta raised a hand to brush back some of her dark, curling locks. "Busy. Ignoring the Shinigami."

"At least she's not going around blowing things up. None of them seem like their usual selves though." The man continued to lean against the door watching the young female Quincy.

Candace cast a death glare at him with her golden colored eyes. "What exactly are you up to? Isn't it rather creepy to be looking at a bunch of girls like this? And didn't you blast us with your attack when we tried taking Kurosaki's head?"

Bazz-B simply glared back. "She's got a rather foul mouth. 'She' would have looked a lot like Candy had she survived." The red haired man pulled away from the wall as Gigi made an annoying popping sound as she twisted her face up into a rather grotesque expression. "Rather explains why I don't like her. She's what she should have been."

The sound of giggles followed after him, and the loudest came from #M#. The man didn't hear any laughter from Bambietta, but this might be a good thing with her inclination for wanting to blow things up. Bazz-B continued down the hallways with one of his hands shoved into one of his pockets. He stopped just outside of the offices for the forth division, and then without thinking stepped into the room. "I need something to help me sleep."

Isane looked up from her desk and simply stared at the man. "Are you having nightmares?"

"Nightmares, no." Bazz-B's mask quickly went up as he eyed the silver object the fukutaicho of the forth was examining. He opened his mouth to lie, and say "I simply can't sleep", but the sight of the familiar silver chain and the object attached to the chain caused the direction of his words to change. "Where did you get that?"

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