Frost Bit

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 "That stupid kid." Bazz-B felt the young taicho's rieatsu coming from outside of the forth division meaning the boy had left. A vision slipped through his head of how the boy was dressed, and the bandages around the boy's knee. He also remembered the uneaten food next to the boy's trey. "Damn it. Why didn't I even notice. I know I was mentally razzing him for crying like a baby, but truth is he's mentally messed up big time. I'm such an idiot."

He brushed past the fukutaicho of the first division and nearly knocked the trey of food from her arms. When she began to yell at him he simply gave her the middle finger. He also bumped into Candice and Liltotto carrying snacks they likely stole from the forth division kitchen. Both females glared at him as they rushed by, and this time Candice gave him the middle finger while Liltotto's mouth became quite fowl. "My fault for teaching her that kind of language. What ever."

Outside rain came down in the form of sleet, and the temperature was low despite the fact the year was still in the summer months. The weather soaked his clothing to the bone. Not caring he simply pushed forward looking for the small figure with white hair and soon caught sight of the boy up on the room. Bazz-B's teeth ground together as he watched the boy teeter on his own feet. "Why? Why is he doing this?"

Toshiro's small, thin body suddenly tilted to far to one side. The man felt his heart skip a beat as the child slipped from the rooftop. Bazz-B pushed forward using his good arm to remove the other from the sling. Somehow he managed to catch the young taicho as he fell. The sudden weight in his arms caused a surge of pain to shoot through his injured arm, and he let out a curse as he stood up straight.

Bazz-B looked down at the boy clutched tightly in his left arm while his right fell to his side. "You're seriously a lot of trouble kid." The boy's eyes remained shut tight for a few minutes, but then they opened slightly. Bazz-B saw the brightness of the child's eyes replaced with a dullness. The man's facial features for once softened and a sight escaped from his mouth. "You're a lot of trouble you know."

The man watched as one thin hand reached up to grab the front of his clothing, and how the young taicho's clothes clung to his small frame. Bazz-B started forward to get the boy back to the forth division. He tried not looking down at the fragile form in his one good arm, but every so often his eyes drifted down. "How old are you kiddo? You're puny. Didn't notice so much when I was fighting with you."

He continued forward only to hear a sharp voice pierce the sleet falling down. "Stop!"

Bazz-B looked up to see a group of Shinigami starting to gather around him and a curse word escaped his lips. "I should have been paying more attention." His good arm clutched the fail frame of the child closer to his own body, and he formed the hand of his bad hand so two fingers pointed out. Pain lurched through his bad arm. "Shit. I can't fight. Not without letting him go."

The Quincy narrowed his eyes at the men. "What do you want?"

His eyes drifted down to see the young taicho's eyes remained glazed over. Another man spoke up drawing Bazz-B's eyes towards the men. "What do you want with our taicho?"

"They're from their division." Bazz-B glared at the men as others gathered. Each man pulled their zampaktuo.

"None of your business." The man knew with the change in the looks on the faces that the men that he said the wrong thing. "Doesn't change the fact I don't trust the damn Shinigami."

"None of our business? We're talking about our taicho whose unconscious in your arms. How the hell is that none of our business."

"It's our job to stand by him."

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