Ice Cold

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Why he decided to go back to the office Bazz-B honestly didn't know. Everything pointed to his anger boiling over which in turn would lead to him doing something rash that he would later regret. The woman thought taking his sister's necklace was callous, but so was the fact Isane didn't tell him that his little sister was in a coma. She again insisted the situation was none of his business, and he almost let it slip to a Shinigami that his sister was actually a Quincy.

"... I can't even tell her own son!"

The man at first felt his mind go numb at Isane's slip of the tongue. The frustration, and anger he felt earlier quickly became more poignant. Bazz-B started putting pressure on her for answers in an attempt to avoid thinking about the worried feeling threatening to make him loose control. Truth be told he didn't like the emotions shooting through his skull. A thought at the back of his head told him the feelings were somehow familiar.

Isane thankfully had another slip of the tongue. "Well you're out of luck. He's not been to visit her at all."

The man could feel the nasty feeling growing as his thoughts suddenly turned to the small taicho he'd spoken to only a short while before seeing Matsumoto Rangiku in her comatose state. The urge to go and speak to the child again crept through the back of his mind, and suddenly he made the rash decision to go and visit the boy. To what end he honestly did not know, but his attempt to leave made the fukutaicho of the forth finally give in.

"Wait! I'll tell you what you want to know! Just close the door."

Bazz-B made himself comfortable and let his one hand cross behind the back of his head. His mind wished for his other hand not to be in a sling for the sake of more comfort. He continued to glare at the woman. Isane let out a deep breath and looked at the table, and one of Bazz-B's eyebrows rose up. "Seems like her real personality is rather timid."

"I'm going to start off by saying the situation is complicated, and I don't know all of the details. I only know what Unohana Taicho was able to put together, and even then I don't know if she left everything she knew in the letter she left me."

"There was a letter under her necklace." Bazz-B cursed himself for not having taken the time to read the letter while he was in the office before.

"Truth be told I'm not sure how to put any of this. It's not as I say a simple matter."

"How about telling me who the father is?"

"The father?" Isane shook her head. "I'd rather not talk about him."

"You said you would tell me everything. Why doesn't the kid know his mother is dying?"

"Matsumoto Rangiku's not dying, but there is a very slim chance of her waking up."

"You said she might not make it. Sounds like she's dying to me." Bazz-B watched as the woman flinched.

"Sorry. It just feels like she's gone already." The woman's eyes darted away so she wasn't looking him in the eye. "I really don't know where to begin with this, so you might as well start asking questions."

"More like you're trying to avoid the subject all together." The man moved his good arm from behind his head, and set it down onto the table. "One of the questions I asked you earlier was how do you know she has a son? Did she tell you?" Bazz-B felt his jaw clench shut as he glared at the female. "Rather, it was odd those two didn't act like mother and child."

"No. The honest truth is neither one of them knows."

"Say what?" The Quincy removed his boots from the desk and leaned forward. "I get how a child might not know who their parents are, but how can a mother not know who their child is?"

"I honestly don't know. The person whose most likely to have answers to that question is Ichimaru Gin, but..." Isane shook her head. "We know because Unohana Taicho suspected something and had some tests done."

"Whose this Ichimaru Gin person? Where can I find him?"

"You can't. For all we know he's dead. He..." Isane turned her head so she couldn't look the Quincy male in the eye. "All we know is he disappeared shortly after the Winter War a year or two ago. He could have run off like he always did in the past, or..." The woman swallowed. "... or his body could have disintegrated, and he's been returned to the cycle of rebirth. He's really got no reason to return here after everything he's done."

"Exactly who is this person? Why would he be the one to have the answers?"

Bazz-B watched as Isane took a deep breath. "He would have the answers because, well, a lot of people have noticed how much like him Hitugaya Taicho is."

"Like him?"

Isane turned her head back to the man. "Looks, thought process, the fact they're both child geniuses. The only difference is Hitsugaya Taicho has no psychopathic tendencies."

"No, the kid's got psychopathic tendencies. I saw some of them sneak through, and I heard from Gigi the kind of things she was able to pull off." The man took a deep breath. "Wait, are you telling me that this Ichimaru Gin person is the kids father?"

The woman nodded her head. "That's why Unohana suspected something, particularly after the Winter War. The only person he ever got close to was Rangiku-san, but... well, I guess you could say he got along with the Shiba clan as well, but I guess you could say he was close to the Hitsugaya Taicho as well. It's just..."

"Just what?"

"If you didn't know that he was Hitsugaya Taicho's father you would think he was doing the things he was doing because he'd been replaced as the child genius. That's one of the reasons everyone thought he was close to the Shiba clan. The previous geniuses were the Shiba clan twins." Isane swallowed. "I think I'm revealing to much."

"No, there is still information I need." Bazz-B folded his one good arm so his arms were crossed. "Why doesn't he know?"

"Besides the fact Rangiku doesn't know he's her child, and the fact she's not likely to wake up?" The woman looked out the window at the falling snow as she continued to worry her lip.

"There's got to be something else. You were worried about me telling him, almost as if he would break. The kid I fought had a lot of spunk."

"That's because..." Isane took a deep breath. "I don't know how to explain this to someone who doesn't know anything about us."

"Should I just go and tell him the truth then?" Bazz-B watched as the woman caved, and the fright which suddenly appeared on her face.

"Don't! He's emotionally unstable right now, and telling him would send him over the edge." The woman took a deep breath. "I see you're having problems believing me when I say he's emotionally unstable right now."

"Yeah. As I said the kid I fought had spunk."

"You don't know anything about him."

"What parts of the damn puzzle am I missing woman?"

Isane flinched at his comment. Eventually she regained her composure. "We're talking about a child. A child whose only relations growing up were the little old lady who raised him and the foster sister raised by him. A child whose first best friend during the academy ended up killed because they both ended up with the same zampaktuo spirit. A child whose taicho disappeared, and who lost two people who treated him like his own child around the same time. A child whose foster sister disowned him, and who recently lost even more people he cared about."

"And..." Bazz-B watched as the woman looked out the door again. "Wait... this freakish snow fall wouldn't be because of him?"

"He's also not eating, and I don't know how well he's sleeping. So please, we don't want the current head taicho to have to step in. Do you understand?"

"I understand." The man stood up. "I also don't agree."

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