Daggers of Ice

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Upon seeing the familiar object made his chest tighten. "First I dream of the past, and now I see something I 'never' thought I would see again." The first thought through Bazz-B's mind wasn't pleasant either. "The damn Shinigami stole her necklace."

"Not that it is any of your business..."

"Of course it's my business! I know that necklace to be one of a kind, and I gave it to my kid sister." Bazz-B could feel the side of his face and the shoulder on the same side tense up as he continued to glare at the woman.

"... but this belongs to the fukutaicho of the tenth division. She's had it for as long as I can remember."

"Her?" Bazz-B couldn't push the thought of the Shinigami stealing the necklace aside. "Why would you have it? Shouldn't she have it?"

Disdain and disgust filled his voice, and Isane told him yet again that it was none of his business. The man could feel his anger rising as his chest tightened, and his jaw clenched. He could feel his right arm tense indicating his instinct to attack the woman was kicking in. An ache also ran through his right arm as the muscles tensed up, and the attack never came. Instead he simply glared at the woman.

The item in his mind was stolen, and instead of attacking the woman Bazz-B let words come out of his mouth. "I think you stealing the items of patients is the business of those you work for." A thought rushed through the back of the man's mind. "Not that they would really care." The woman of course became upset, and told him some kind of sob story he couldn't be bothered listening to. He got the fact she had reasons for not returning the necklace, but the fact Isane wasn't returning the item still made his blood boil. "Isn't the answer of when to return it simple? You should return it now rather then later."

"You don't know the situation."

Bazz-B felt a sharp twang in his chest for some reason he couldn't place. Isane left to get the medicine as an indicator she was treating the subject as closed. "It's not at all closed. No way in hell am I going to let it be." The man slipped over to the desk, and opened up the drawer. His eyes darted down to the silver necklace, and the item at the end of the chain. "Our family crest."

His caloused hand reached in to grab the necklace, and he moved out of the room to go and find the fukutaicho of the tenth division. "She's my sister whose supposed to be dead? I can't imagine her surviving, let alone getting along with the Shinigami. I can ask her though for information on how she got my sister's necklace. I've got to find her first."

Bazz-B could feel a familiar cold rieatsu, and he headed to the room where he knew the captain of the tenth would be. "Yo!" He rose his hand up so his palm was flat, and the necklace hung down. The young taicho jumped at the sound of Bazz-B's voice, and then he back peddled to the corner of his bed. His teal eyes looked at the man as if he were some kind of animal caught in the headlights of a car. "What's the matter?"

The man heard no answer, and simply stepped towards the boy. He could see that the youth was visibly scared by him, and he shoved his hand into his pocket. Bazz-B watched the boy's eyes travel with the hand. For a few minutes Toshiro remained silent, and they he said one word. "Why?"

"Why what?" Bazz-B watched the boy swallow, and then glance away so he didn't have to look the man in the eye. "You should speak up when you have something to say rather then acting like you're going to cry. You're a man aren't you?" He watched as the boy flinched, and then shook his head. "I want to know where your fukutaicho is?" Toshiro's shaking increased, and then he shook his head. "What? You haven't been to see her?"

Another negative affirmation came, and suddenly Bazz-B reached out to grab the boy and lift him up. The small taicho let out a squeak, and the man realized the white haired youth in front of him was a changed person from when they fought. The man let go of the front of the boy's clothing and let him drop. He shoved his one good hand back into his pocket. "I don't get it. You've not been to see her, and you're also acting like a complete wuss."

Toshiro's mouth opened, and then the boy shook his head.

"Come on, speak up."

"If I go see her she'll die like everybody else."

Bazz-B stared at the boy thinking carefully about what the boy said. A sigh escaped through Bazz-B's mouth. "What? Do you think you're some kind of curse?" The man watched the boy flinch. "Seriously..." The man turned to leave, but felt something tug at his clothing. A glance back from Bazz-B made him see the boy had latched on. "What?"

"Why do you have Rangiku's necklace?" The young taicho couldn't make eye contact with him.

"Why? None of your business."

"That's her necklace though. She's always had it."

"What do you mean she's always had it."

"As long as she can remember."

Bazz-B pulled away leaving the boy in the room. He let his heavy boots sound off on the halls of the forth division as his mouth twisted down, and he glared at the forth division members as he passed them be. Out of the corner of his eye he would look into the rooms to see if the fukutaicho of the tenth division was there. He finally caught a glimpse of strawberry blond hair, and stepped into the room so he could speak with the female.

The male Quincy froze upon seeing the prone figure lying on the bed, and a mix of feelings ricochet though his skull. First though was that it was her, and then as he tried denying the thought of that woman being his younger sister he felt the pieces of his memory come back, and the face of the small child appeared. A deep sigh escaped his lips as he continued to look at the woman, and a feeling of frustration welled in his chest.


No response came from the young female in the bed, and Bazz-B noticed the oxygen mask he was trying to ignore. The grimace on his face softened as did his other facial features, and the urge to curse came over him. Something though held him back, and instead he stepped forward to pick up the chart at the foot of her bed, this time leaving the necklace in his pocket. A deeper sinking feeling came over him as he read her chart.

... comatose ...

Bazz-B took a deep breath through his nose, and then put the chart back. He shoved his one good hand back into his pocket and looked at her wondering what he should say. "Damn. All this time I thought you were dead, and now here you are like this. Not to mention the fact..." The man swallowed. "We were fighting on opposite sides, and I was paired up against you in that fight. I'm a louse for not noticing, but..." Another thought crept into his head. "... you might not actually be her. I mean, she's a Quincy like me."

He stepped backwards, and then turned to leave. He found himself heading back to the office, and when he stepped in he froze upon seeing Isane glare at him. The fukutaicho of the forth wasn't at all pleased with the scenario.

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