Fiery Anger

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Basterbine Bambietta didn't like Bazz-B chasing her off like he did, and the door slamming behind her didn't help her mood. The girls lips pushed together and mentally she fought back the urge to blow something up, but instead her fingers twisted behind her back, and the thoughts in her mind flung around at a fast pace.

Bambietta moved away from the door and headed back to her room, and The Quincy female flopped onto her bed and slammed her arms down onto the pillow above her head. A groan escaped her lips as her hands reached up to twist into the thick curls of her hair. "Why? Why can't I be near him?"

The young Quincy female flipped over onto her back and stared up at the ceiling as her mind tried brushing back the urges to blow something up. Her mouth continued to twist up into a deep frown, and when the other young Quincy came into the room she found herself unable to remove the frown from her face. Candice looked over from the doorway as she entered the room, and flopped down onto the bed across from Bambietta. "What ever is the matter with you?"

"She wouldn't be such a sour puss if she actually went with us." Liltotto rolled her eyes into the back of her head. She sat down next to Candice on the bed shoving the older girl over, and one of her booted feet lifted up to cross her knee. The tip of the foot tapped in a short beat indicating the young Quincy felt annoyed at where the conversation was going. Liltotto finally flopped back onto the bed in the same manner Bambietta did, but instead lay sideways on the bed. "You guys do know that this is our room right?"

"You invited us to play cards with you guys though." Meninas' moutht twisted up into a frown.

"I don't want to play cards!" Bambietta's tone of voice rose up in an angry manner and she flipped over onto her stomach to begin kicking her feet at the foot of the bed in a rapid manner.

Meninas sat down next to her. "Something wrong Bamietta-chan?"


"I would honestly think otherwise." Liltotto rolled her eyes into the back of her head. "You know what. Let's play cards without Bambietta since she's choosing to be such a sour puss."

The dark haired Quincy reached out for her pillow and pulled the item over her head as a groan escaped her lips. The other female Quincy rolled their eyes, and Candice asked if they should get any of the male Quincy to join. Gigi looked up from her set of cards and let a popping sound come out of her mouth, but Candice countered the idea in a quick manner declaring the young male Quincy which left in the ranks were boring.

For awhile Bambietta managed to ignore the chatter of the other girls, but something kept bothering her. "How dare he kick me out of that room! That's 'my' brother! He's got no business..." The girl shoved herself up from the bed allowing the pillow to flop off her head onto the floor beside the bed. The other girls stopped chatting their usual gossip with each other, but Bambietta didn't say anything to let them know what rambled across her mind. "That seriously does it!"

The young female stormed out of the room before any protests came from the other girls involving the need to remain unnoticed by the Shinigami. She headed to the room she found the white haired youth in and made to slam the door open only to find the door wide open. Her dark eyes blinked a couple of times as she took in the young boy lying on the bed and how his hands and feet were now bandaged. Bambietta stormed over to the bed and leaned over the young man as her words snapped out. "What did he do to you?"

Two bright teal eyes blinked a couple of times and then the young taicho turned his head to look at the girl as his mouth twisted up int a frown and his eyes brightened up even more with curiosity. "Hi."

"Don't hi me. What did he do to you?"

"That Quincy who was in here earlier?" The boy continued to stare at her. "Nothing."

"Your hands and feet are bandaged." Bambietta clenched her fists together. "Let me go blow him up!"

A voice in the back of her head interrupted her train of thought. "As if you could blow him up with his fire ability countering your own ability."

"He really didn't do anything. If it weren't for him I'd probably be worse off." The boy's mouth twisted up into a soft smile.

The girl's dark eyes blinked a couple of times. "What do you mean by that?"

For some reason Toshiro's smile fell and he turned his head away so he didn't have to look at her. "I goofed again. Yeah, I goofed."

"What happened? If he didn't hurt you who did."

"You could say I hurt myself out of my usual stupidity."


"I went out into the cold weather without wearing any shoes and dressed only in a small amount of clothes so I caught a bit of frostbite. They say I'll be fine though." Bambietta pushed her mouth tight as she tried thinking of a way to alleviate her frustration and her eyes drifted up to the wall. Her dark eyes blinked a couple of times at the sight of the necklace hanging from the wall, and her hand reached out to touch the item. "Don't. Don't touch that. Leave it right where it is?"

The strain in her brothers eyes made her flinch and her eyes drifted down to the young taicho laying in the bed next to her. Her hand dropped down for a few seconds and then reached up again to form her fingers into a gesture which pointed at the necklace hanging from the wall. "How come you have that? How come you have Bazz-B's family crest?"

She watched Toshiro's eyes blink a couple of times and the confusion on his face cause his bright teal eyes to dim for a few minutes, and then he opened his mouth as the color drained from his skin. "What do you mean it's his crest?"

"I told you what I said. It's Bazz-B's crest. Why do you have it? Did he give it to you? I wouldn't think you would trust him."

"I really don't know if I do or not." Toshiro's mouth twisted into a frown and his right hand lifted up to rest on top of his chest as he swallowed deep. A sigh of frustration came out of his mouth and he returned to look at the wall. "The necklace isn't his or mine. It belongs to my fukutaicho. For some reason..." The young captain closed his eyes and took another deep breath. "For some reason he decided I needed to be the one to return it to her. For some reason he told me I needed it for good luck."

"Where's your fukutaicho?" Bambietta felt her hands clench.

"Don't know. I've not seen her. I..." The white haired youth clenched his hands together despite the pain and his voice lowered so his words came in a dull, low tone. "I don't want to talk about it."

The young Quincy female clenched her jaw tight and ground her teeth as she flexed her fingers, and she turned to leave without noticing the upset look in the young taicho's eyes as she left him alone.

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