Falling Embers

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 "It's snowing outside." Meninas's magenta eyes traveled over to the window.

Bambietta's head darted up from where she lay on her bed, and her mouth twisted down. "So?"

"It's pretty." The magenta haired female Quincy continued to stare out the window.

Candace continued to look at her cards. "I got it. It's pretty. Can we still play?"

Liltotto set her cards down, and moved from where she sat crossed legged on her bed to the window by Bambietta's. "Why's it even snowing this time of year?"

"Honestly, who cares? It's just snow." The younger dark haired female set her cards down and leaned against the palm of her hand. Her violet eyes looked at the other girls.

"Everybody likes snow Bambietta-chan." Meninas' lip curled up into a pout, and she tried her best to maneuver her facial features into a stern look.

The violet eyed Quincy simply stared back, but then felt the need to talk back when the others remained silent to much for her own comfort. "I don't. I don't like the snow."

The response resulted in more silence. Candace took the time to glance out the window, and also set down her cards. Liltotto finally spoke. "Well I like the snow. I want to go out and play in it while it's still nice enough to do so."

Bambietta rolled her eyes before looking back at her cards. "I thought we were all hanging out in our room because we were trying to avoid the Shinigami? Wouldn't going out to play in the snow draw attention to ourselves and make them mad?"

Liltotto moved past her to the door. "I honestly don't care at this point."

The other girls followed after the short blond, and Candice stopped in the door way. "Are you coming or not?"

"As if I would do something as childish as play in the snow."

"Even if it means making the Shinigami mad? I'd think you of all people would want to piss them off."

Bambietta didn't respond to the comment, and after a few minutes of silence realized the other girls were gone. Her violet eyes darted up to the window, and she felt a shudder run down her spine. She set her cards down, and headed out of the room to find something to take her mind off the snow outside, but also still avoid the Shinigami like she wanted. Some kind of feeling directed her down the hallways, and soon she found herself standing in the doorway of a patient's room.

Her violet eyes drifted around the small room taking in the whiteness of everything. Annoying white snow fell outside the window, and the walls unlike her and Liltotto's room wasn't decorated with anything to make it more homely. The sheets were also stark white, but the fact the forth was practically a hospital explain such starkness. Also in the room sitting on the bed was someone around her age with a white head of hair.

His head hung down buried into his arms and knees so Bambietta couldn't see his eyes let alone his face. Something about the white locks of hair drew her to step into the room, and her hand reached out to touch the soft locks. The other youth didn't move until her fingers brushed against the white locks, and his head jerked up as his arms dislodged from around his legs. Two vivid teal eyes stared back at her as the boy started to move away from her, but stopped.

"I know you." Bambietta's lips moved without her realizing, and she sat down on the edge of the bed. Her violet eyes watched his teal eyes blink a couple of times as his tense muscles suddenly relaxed so his arms fell to his side, and he simply stared at her. Her eyes darted to the window to see the snow falling, and the memory of why she hated the snow came flooding back to her.

The young female Quincy pulled her hand away as she looked at the boy staring at her. "He's like that person. No, he is that person." Her mouth opened this time intentionally. "Do you know who I am?" The young man's eyes drifted to the window for a few mintues to see what she was looking at. "Does he even see the snow?"

"You're the Quincy. You're the Quincy that the other Quincy turned into a zombie as well." The boy turned his head so he looked at her again, and he simply stared.

"Does he want to say something? No." Bambietta let air escape her lips in exasperation. "He doesn't remember. Why not?" Her mouth opened again. "My name is Basterbine Bambietta."

"You're not bothered by the fact I'm a Shinigami?"

The young female felt her jaw drop as she stared at the young man. "Shinigami?"

"I'm the captain of the tenth division. At least..."

Bambietta's eyes narrowed as he drifted off. "What do you mean by at least?"

"At least I was. Don't know if I still am." The boy turned back to look at her, and his bright teal eyes gave away he was thinking about something.


"I can't explain it." The boy then spoke in a rather monotone voice. "My name is Hitsugaya Toshiro."

"That's not right."

Another voice in the back of her head laughed. "Maybe he isn't the person you think he is."

"Still... aren't you bothered by the fact I'm a Shinigami?"

"Are you bothered by me being a Quincy?"

The white haired youth stared at her, and didn't say anything. Eventually he looked away. "I don't know."

Bambietta allowed her mind to puzzle over his comment, but couldn't think of what Toshiro meant. She finally let out a sigh indicating annoyance. "I know I don't like Shinigami."

The young man didn't say anything, or try to look her in the eye. Eventually the boy's mouth opened and a few simple words came out of his mouth. "I see."

The urge swept over Bambietta to yell at the boy for being pathetic as well as so indifferent, but something caused her mouth to clamp shut. "What is this feeling?"

"Fear. You can already sense he's upset with what you said, and if you go off on him he may become even more upset. He's not really as indifferent as you think."

The small female moved closer then so she was nearer the other youth. Bambietta placed her face so it was only a few inches away from the others face, and slowly he turned to look at her in the eye. She swallowed once, but continued to look him in the eye without blinking. How long she stared at him she did not know as someone grabbed her clothes by the nape of the neck and yanked her back.

"What are you doing Basterbine?"

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