Disappearing Act

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Today is a good day. I thought happily as I watch the tiny craters appear on the smooth batter as it cooked. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, life is good and today is going to be damn good day. When the surface of the batter becomes filled with holes, I flip it neatly to the other side then let out a squeal of satisfaction at the gold-colored pancake.

My body bobbed and swayed along with the familiar intro of the song playing from the speakers as the music drifts in from the living room, "Saturday morning, jumped out of bed, and put on my best suit." I sang as I plucked the pancake from the pan and into a waiting plate, "Got in my car and raced like a jet, all the way to you." I pour another helping of batter onto the pan then used the rubber spatula as a microphone as I danced away from the pan with my eyes closed. "Knocked on your door with heart in my hands to ask you one question cuz I know you're an old fashioned man."

When I open my eyes, I see my dad standing behind the counter, watching me with an amused expression on his face. The unexpected visitor makes me jump and I drop the spatula in panic. "God! Pa!" I bark at the same time that I try to catch my breath. "What ever happened to knocking?"
He laughs, proud to have gotten such a reaction. "I knocked!"
"You did? How'd you get in?"
He answers by showing me small key, "Hide-a-key. Anyway, what's gotten you in such a good mood?"
I shrug and try to contain the smile on my face, "Nothing."
"Althea, how many times do I have to tell you that us Guevarra's make horrible liars?"

That makes me roll my eyes but remembering the pancake cooking behind me, I quickly whip around and use another spatula to flip it. "I'm just really happy right now."
"Pancakes for lunch? Did you get laid?"
My eyes widen and I look at him in shock, "No! What is wrong with you?!"
"Then what is it?" He asks as he slides up and unto the bar stool. "Who do you have to thank for the smile on my daughter's face?"
For the first time, I don't shy or turn away from his questioning but sly gaze whenever he would ask me such personal questions. I smile and fish my phone from my pocket before sliding it along the counter then turning my attention back to the pan.

"Oh wow..." I hear from behind me after a short moment. "Wow, you two look good together."

He was referring to my phone's homescreen wallpaper which was Jade and I a few days ago. We had gone to the roof one afternoon and took several pictures together on her and my phone; before she left, she changed the wallpaper on my phone just for fun and I just didn't have a heart to change it back.

"Her name is Jade. She's my..." I hesitate, not really sure what to label her as, "...special friend." I finish weakly before adding another finished pancake to the plate.
"Special friend?"
"Althea, if this woman is your girlfriend, you know you can tell me right?"
A low groan passes my lips but luckily he didn't hear it, "I know. She's not my girlfriend."
"Well, this picture could have fooled me." he muses before making his way to my side then grabbing the spatula from my hands. "I'll take care of this, you go buy us some whipped cream and peanut butter."
"Pa, I have butter."
"I want peanut butter."
"Peanut butter is disgusting."
"Will you deny a dying old man his wish?"
My body stiffens and when the shock passes, I smack his arm lightly, "That's not funny."

I hated how cliche I was being. As soon as I stepped out of the building, it was like I was looking at a brand new city where everything was beautiful and refreshing. The kids outside that once annoyed the hell out of me, I now found amusing. The newspaper and tabloid vendor on the corner of the street that never spoke now smiled at me and greeted me a good afternoon. The homeless old man that always hissed and growled at me now threw me a smile; even the polluted air of the city felt like fresh mountain breeze.

God, everything was just so beautiful.

A buzzing in my pocket shifts my attention and I pull the phone up just as I enter the store. It was Batchi,
"Dude, I have amazing news!"
"What's up?"
"I have to tell you in person. Are you free right now?"
"Pa is just at home but I can meet you now if it won't take long."
"Great, I'm on my way to you. I'll pick you up in ten?"
"Alright. See you. This news better be good."
"Oh trust me! It is! See you!"

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