Chapter Eight: Saving Kyle

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[Damon's POV]

I looked at Bryan and I saw he was staring out the window very intensely. "Excuse me Bryan..." I said trying to get his attention but it didn't work. Sadly but oh well... I looked at Johnnie, he was going through things on his phone. So I looked at Chris and he said "What do you want punk?" A shocked look came over my face and I said "Well, almighty Chris, can you do what you can to save Kyle." Chris sighed and said "I don't feel like it. Get Ricky to deal with your problems." I sighed and said "Alright." before walking over to Ricky and said "Excuse me Mr. Horror, but could you help me save Kyle?" Ricky looked at me and said "Yeah come sit down and we'll talk about it." So I sat down and said "Mr. Horror, what can we do to save Kyle?" Ricky stared into my soul and said "Listen carefully punk because I am only going to say this once. To save Kyle, you are going to need to do an exorcism on him and that will require you going to see someone who has holy water, rosary beads and a cross. Once you have found them, tell them about your situation and then if they are willing to help you, go off and save your friend and bring them back here so we can give them our approval." I smiled and said "Thank you Mr. Horror. I now know what I must do." And so I went on my way, to get Kyle back.

[Bryan's POV]

I look too see who was calling out to me but no-one was there. And so I asked Johnnie if he might have saw who was calling out to me and he said "I'm sorry Bryan, but I was going through stuff on my phone. Also I was trying to text Kyle and I got a strange text from him. It was if he was trying to reach out to me but then whatever has possessed him has taken over." I sighed and asked Johnnie if I could see the text, and so Johnnie gave me his phone. This is what the text read 'JOHNNIE! ITS ME! KYLE! KYLES NOT HERE! KYLE IS DEAD! JOHNNIE! HELP ME! I'VE...! KYLE HAS BEEN DEAD FOREVER! I'VE MADE A BIG MISTAKE! ALEX IS... I AM THE DEMON OF THE UNDERWORLD! FEEL MY WRATH! ALEX IS MISSING! WE GOTTA...! FEEL THE WRATH OF THE UNDERWORLD! WE GOTTA SAVE HER!' I gave Johnnie back his phone and said "Wow, thats some powerful sh**! We have to save Kyle." Johnnie sighed and said "Yeh..." Johnnie then looked around and said "Wheres Damon?" Ricky turned around to us and said "He is on his way to saving Kyle right now. He is our hero." And so, I stared off into the distance again, because I was stunned.

[Damon's POV]

As I was out walking the streets in search of Kyle, I felt something hit me. When I looked to see if anyone was there, it was nobody but a ring. Hmm... A ring? But why? So I picked up the mysterious ring and put it on. I began to feel powerful. But was this a good thing? I then looked around. I had been teleported to a different world. Holy moly! What is this place? So, I began walking and I bumped into myself. Buy why? Who is this other me? Have I somehow stumbled upon the dark version of myself that is evil? I stared at him and he stared at me before saying "Whataya want from me punk and how did you get here!" I looked about and saw that we were now floating in the air. "I SAID! HOW DID YOU GET HERE!" The evil version of me said in anger. "Uh.. I found a ring, and I put it on and now I am here. By the way if my name is Damon, what is your name?" I said before hearing the evil me sigh. "Yes, your name is Damon. But my name is Ashton. So take off the ring and go back to your world and if I'm feeling generous, I will put on a ring, so I can be in your world. How does that sound?" Ashton said with an evil smile. "Uhm... that sounds great." I said before taking off the ring and teleporting back to my world. About two hours of waiting for Ashton to come into my world, I thought to myself when would he come here? I sighed and then began walking down the streets and into the woods. Hours passed and still no Ashton. I was beginning to think that I'd have to save Kyle without anyone who had powers. Just then, I saw a cabin in the middle of the woods. I walked over to it and then walked inside. I then saw Kyle's lifeless body lying on the floor of the cabin. "Kyle? Are you okay?" I whispered. But then, Kyle's eyes fluttered open and a deep voice from within said "KYLE IS DEAD! BUT I KYRUMAYTILAKO IS HERE TO STAY!" I began to feel scared but then I heard a voice say "GET UP! YOUR BEAUTY IS BULLSH**!" I turned around to see Chris. I ran over to Chris and said "Thanks for coming." He ignored me and then began wrapping Kyle's body in bandages. Once he came to the face, he stopped for a moment. I wondered why he stopped, but then I saw Chris put a sponge into Kyle's mouth and then wrapped bandages around his head and face until every inch of Kyle was covered from head to toe. The demon was now released from Kyle's body and now was standing in front of us. Just then out of nowhere came Ashton. "DID SOMEONE CALL DEMON PATROL!" Ashton screamed out before using magic to kill the demon! After about an hour, the demon had died and Ashton said "Your friend should wake up now." I then smiled and watched as Kyle became full of life. "HRLMMPH!" I heard Kyle try to scream for help and so I ran over to him and took some of the bandages off his face. "HRPMH! HRMY HRMPHT HMRRU NMMPH HMMPHM HMMM HRRMMLMPH!" Kyle screamed out his muffled words and so I said "Oh uh sorry. I thought the demon was still inside." Kyle shook his head at me and made some angry moans. "Come on, lets get him back to my mansion and then we can set him free." Chris said to me before picking up Kyle in his arms and walking away with me following him.

[Kyle's POV]

After I got free from the bandages, I ran over to Johnnie and said "I'm so so sorry I ever hurt you. I became possessed by some demon who was dangerous. But, from now on, I promise NEVER EVER to hurt you again." Johnnie blushed and said "I forgive you baby. You know I came to apologise to you for taping you to the chair and hiding you in the cupboard of the room you were staying in." I smiled and said "Well I am sorry for torturing you in your dreams and out of your dreams. I am sorry about the whole dress thing and tape." Johnnie laughed and said "No worries man." I blushed and said "Theres something I've been meaning to tell you Johnnie, I just haven't found the right time to do so yet... But I..." I was then cut off by the sound of Bryan yelling "F**K! HAVE YOU ALL FORGOT ABOUT ALEX! I MEAN SHE IS STILL MISSING! ARE WE ALL GONNA SIT AROUND AND PRETEND WE DON'T CARE ABOUT HER WHEREABOUTS?!" I sighed and looked out the window and said "I have no-idea where Alex is. Like I feel like when I was possessed, I took her somewhere, but now I don't know where she is." Things were going down hill.

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