a letter to you before we begin

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Hi friend,

This book was inspired by the kindness I found in my friends after a breakup. They taught me I would be okay, that no one is worth my tears and that no matter what they had my back and to know that was one of the best feelings I've ever experienced. Their kind words assuring me that it wasn't my fault and that I deserve better helped me so much and I have no idea where I'd be without them and that's when I began to wonder about those who aren't so lucky as me; who've gone through so much worse without a good friend to help them through it. To feel alone is one of the worst feelings in the world and I wouldn't wish it upon anybody, so if you're upset, alone and feel like no one cares, read my words and know I'll always be here if any of you ever need. I'm only a message, a comment or even a tweet away. You matter and you are loved and I know that sometimes it's hard to see that, but please believe me when I say it's true because the world wouldn't be so incredible without you in it. I love you and even if we never talk, I'll be your friend.


Larni xxx

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