my last letter of this story to you

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Hey friend,

I just wanted to thank you for reading and remind you that you're not alone. You will never be alone and to prove it if you ever feel like you are, message me. I'll answer and I'll do my best to be there for you, but please keep in mind that I'm not a therapist. I'm just a sixteen year old girl who knows that the feeling of emptiness and worthlessness isn't fair and is way too common. I know I'm not qualified and I know that this book isn't a cure for mental illness, but I know how to be a good friend and that sometimes, a good friend can help make the load lighter. So please, stay strong and think of me as a friend who genuinely cares about you and what happens to you. I want you to be okay and I want you to be happy and I know that one day you will be. You are so incredible and the amount of potential you possess is amazing; I know it, so make sure the rest of the world does too. I love you and I hope you stay strong because the world won't be quite as beautiful without you in it.

Love always,

Larni xxx

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