get lost get found

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You will feel lost at some point in your life. Whether it's due to your future being unsure or maybe you just can't see the point anymore and I want you to know that it's okay to be lost. It sucks and it's scary, but life gets like that; you just need to remember that you will be found. You'll find yourself and figure out what to do with your life and it'll all be okay.

You might be lost for days, weeks or maybe even months, but I promise you that it won't last. I know that it feels like it will, but it won't. One day you'll wake up and things will make sense, it mightn't be all of a sudden and it could take time, but it'll happen.

One day, you'll realise how incredible you are and you'll be glad you didn't end it when you were depressed. You'll be proud that you survived and you should be. I know mental illnesses often have bad stigma's attached to them, but you shouldn't be ashamed of how you feel, you are no less of a person for it. You have faced so many battles and so far, you've won and because of that I'm happy for you and I'm proud. I know it hasn't been easy and that makes you all that much stronger.

You are brave, you are strong and you're amazing and the fact that you're here right now proves that because you fought and you stayed when things got hard.

Prove to yourself that I'm right and stay strong and get found because you deserve to know how magnificent you are.

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