thank you

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This is the second last part to this book, so I wanted to use this chapter to thank you. Thank you for your support, not just on this story but also on my others. Thank you for your kind messages and for always brightening my day.

You genuinely are incredible and to me, you're not just a number or a faceless image behind a computer, you're a real person and that's amazing. You have a beautiful body that is constantly working to keep you alive, you have your own thoughts and opinions and you are unique and I'm honoured that you have taken some time out of your life to read this. Honestly, I am.

This book is my least popular, but it's the one I'll never delete because the message behind it is so much more important than my fan fictions. You and your happiness is so much more important and I realise that this is just a book and it can't suddenly make you happy and force you to love yourself, but I sincerely hope that it's a step in the right direction.

So before I post my final letter, know that I do really care and I wish you all the best in whatever you do. (I know you'll absolutely smash it anyway, because in case you haven't caught the gist by now, I believe you're an amazingly beautiful, unstoppable force and this world is yours.)

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