learn to love yourself first

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The quote, "Nobody will love you until you learn love yourself", is complete and utter bulldust. People will love you despite your own feelings towards yourself so don't ever believe that you are unworthy of love just because you're not okay with yourself.

You are loved and you will continue to be loved until the end of time, depression isn't going to stop that, nothing is going to stop that. You are not unworthy, nobody is unworthy and you deserve the world and deserve to be loved.

I know quotes similar to this are plastered all over Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook and even Twitter and that they can be hard to ignore, but please try to and read my words; you will learn to love yourself eventually and it doesn't matter how long it takes, there will still always be someone who loves you before, during and after your journey of self-love and acceptance.

People will try to bring you down, but it's up to you to refuse to fall down. Know your worth, know you're important and loved and their words can't touch you. Don't give in, don't give up and please don't listen to the empty words of stupid people.

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