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To succeed you need drive. You have to be willing to go out and do whatever it takes to reach your goals. You have to go and fight for your dreams, they aren't just going to be handed to you and trust me, I know despite your dreams and what you want, sometimes it's hard to find the motivation to work for them.

Find inspiration, find your 'white rabbit'; the person that you will follow into wonderland. They have what you want and you will chase them until you have it too. Figure out what they're doing that you're not and try it, see if it works for you. With this remember not to lose originality and don't blatantly copy them, I just mean you don't need to reinvent the wheel. If it works for them, it could work for you too.

You have the potential to be and do anything you want, so use that potential to be the best that you can be and to show the world how incredible you are.

Wake up early, write that book, start that youtube channel or study hard. The world is your oyster and your future is in your hands, so make it something you're proud of; make yourself someone you're proud of.

Start with small steps, little goals that will lead you to the big picture. Create a mood board to remind you of your goals and why you want to reach them, making sure you see it every morning when you wake up with inspirational quotes stuck to it.

The most important step though, is to know you can do it. No matter what anybody says, you can and will do it. It might take weeks, months or even years, but don't give up because one day everything you've worked for will be yours.

You've got this because you're the only person who can make your dreams come true and mark my words, you will.

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