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Today, I stumbled across a quote from my favourite author that really stuck with me. Rainbow Rowell said, "I don't believe that 17-year-olds get happy endings. They get beginnings." and that inspired me to write this chapter because she's right.

Depression is way too common nowadays, especially in -but not limited to- young people, but if you're going through a hard time, keep going. You'll make it through and you'll be glad you did because this, this is just the beginning of your life and there is so many wonderful things in store for you if you just stick around to see them. You're going to leave school, you're going to move out of home and chase your dreams. You're going to travel and see the world, you'll fall in love and make incredible friends. You'll eat good food and maybe even have kids, you're future is bright, regardless if you can see it or not.

There is a happy ending planned for you, but killing yourself in the beginning won't give you that. They say it gets better and there is a reason they say it, it's because it's true. It does and it will get better, you are going to be happy and you're going to be okay. I know it probably sounds stupid and you're struggling to believe it now, but sweetheart, there is so much potential in you. You're depressed now, but you won't be forever. If you give up tonight, how do you know that tomorrow wasn't going to be the day things start to get better?

Hold on, please, hold on and don't give in, not because people will miss you, but because your future will. Hold on for yourself because you deserve to be happy and you deserve a good life and you'll get it, I promise you one day you'll get it.

This is the beginning to your story, so please don't end it before it begins. It's gonna be one hell of a ride and I know that sometimes things are going to get hard, but your happy ending will make it all worth it.

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