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People love their labels, perhaps because it helps them figure out where they belong, but just because someone labels you it doesn't mean they were right. You are whatever you want to be, you are amazing and one of a kind, you're not the names they call you.

You're your hobbies, your favourite piece of artwork and your best joke, you aren't something that can be defined with one word. You might be pretty or you might be smart, but that's not all you are. You could be gay or you could be straight, but you're more than your sexual orientation and who you like.

People will underestimate you if you're nice, they won't expect you to fight for something you want, but don't let them make you feel bad for it. If you want something, get it- regardless of what's expected of you. You're not second best so stop treating yourself like you are.

Don't let people convince you you're just one label, don't let them tell you you're only one thing. You are a million and one different things and there are so many parts of you. It's important to remember though that it's okay if they aren't all great because you can't be good at everything and everyone has flaws.

Don't let them define you because to define and constrict something as beautiful as you is a crime. You are more than you know and they are wrong, you're not dumb, you're not fat and you're not worthless. You're so much more than the bullies will ever be, don't forget that.

hi, I love you [1]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon