you're not dumb not even close

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Just because you're not good at maths doesn't mean you're dumb. Your extensive knowledge about your favourite celebrity, character or story and the way you come up with theories and write fanfiction, makes you smart. The fan art you create, how you work out the most efficient way to vote for your favourite band, the strategies you use in your favourite video game or even mods that you create make you smart.

People tend to forget that being that there are different types of smart, school isn't for everyone and that is okay. We all have different strengths and weaknesses so you might not be an A+ student, but you still have so much knowledge and have so much to share with people.

Teach people how to use technology, not everyone can. Argue with friends about your favourite fictional characters and prove to them why your favourite is the best. Start a club if you want for people with similar interests to you where you can share various pieces of information about a certain thing with one another. Never stop learning and never stop teaching each other wonderful things that you've discovered.

While education is very important, please don't let it belittle you or make you feel stupid. Not everyone is going to understand the Pythagoras Theorem and not everyone is a good speller, but it doesn't make them any less amazing because they don't get it, instead it makes them human because we simply can't be good at everything.

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