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If you are reading this, you are instantly promising not to self-harm tonight. You can do it, please stay strong.


Promises are often thrown to the side and not taken seriously as they can be viewed as childish, but they aren't childish. Promises are one of the strongest things we can do; it's giving someone our word and in response they are trusting us. People break them all the time, but why?

You are strong and incredible and even if it's tough, you can keep a promise. You can do anything you want, you can and will succeed in anything you put your mind to; next time you make a promise, keep it. Whether the promise is to be loyal to your partner or to do something as small as save someone a cookie, honour it simply because you can and because a promise means something to you. You can't expect someone else to keep a promise if you don't even try to yourself.

I know it can be hard and I know sometimes things happen and promises break despite your best efforts. So when this happens, I want you to know that everyone makes mistakes and that it's okay. Forgive yourself and do your best to move past it. You're a good person, one broken promise or mistake won't change that. You are a good person despite your mistakes, please don't forget that.

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