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   I wiped my tear-streaked face with my rough, dry arm as I filled the bathtub with freezing water, pushing hard on the stopper for the umpteenth time, making sure that the liquid couldn't escape the bathtub. This had to work. At least it's more less painful than living this damned life. Goodbye mom and dad. Goodbye Gianna and Jamie. Goodbye world.
   Standing in front of mirror that was yellowed with age, I stared at the outstanding, blood-red veins of my eyes which searched my face inch by inch for something unknown  to me. As my vision travelled to my hair, I realised for the first time that the strands resembled my wasted breaths so closely that I could hardly keep the pang of resentment from seeping between the bars the cage I created for to keep it out for the time being. Pale lips blended perfectly with my deathlike face. I remembered asking Siri "what is the meaning of life?", and I meant it, but she never really gave the proper answer.
  After an aeon of staring through blurred sight, I stepped back and stripped myself naked. My heart was pounding so hard I was sure my mom would show up soon and ask me why I was hammering a nail into the wall. But reality was more like hammering a dagger into my heart, leaving my family behind like this. But I had no choice. No choice at all.

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