Chapter 3

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My day grew a little better as the classes passed by. Our school had the good teachers that didn't assign homework over the weekend. I did have three tests today, though, so I was pretty worn out. By the last block, I was halfway asleep.

It was Science, one of the many classes I shared with Kylee other than History and French. We always sat together in those classes and helped each other with studying and homework. Our teacher, Mr. Fiddle, had mentioned lately that we would be doing a group project. We weren't worried about not being partners because he was usually good at picking friends for the assignments.

"Okay class, settle down." He said as the bell rang.

"Instead of having you all read for the next 45 minutes, I thought I would have you start on your group projects." he said, shuffling some papers on his desk and picking out one

That got everyone's attention and the room and we waited in anticipation.

"Each group will be researching animal cells and recreate it as best you can using whatever materials you deem fit. It will be due-"

"Just get on with it, old man!" Blake called from the back of the classroom.

Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention that Science was also the one class that I shared with the one and only, Blake Kerwinn.

"Young man, show your manners." Mr. Fiddle patronized.

Blake gave him a bored look and invited him to a challenge

Mr. Fiddle grew uncomfortable. Blake's parents were actually the owners of the biggest construction business in town, and Blake felt that gave him free reign. Everyone, including Mr. Fiddle, knew Blake could get him fired anytime. The teachers all feared him and usually let him get away with almost anything.

"Teenagers." he mumbled, looking down at his list.

"After I call your names choose a table and get working."

"Elaine and Johnathan

Tara and Nick

Kylee and Mark

Simon and Jenna

Isabel and David

Maddie and Blake

Hannah and James"

WHAT?! I KNOW that Mr. Fiddle did NOT just pair me with that jerk of a human being?!

Tara, the head cheerleader gave me a glare and whined in annoyance.

"Why does the nerd get to be with Blake?" she complained, leaning closer to Blake, who happened to be sitting next to her

"Young lady, I have made these partners and that is final." Mr. Fiddle said, giving an uncomfortable glance at Blake.

So this was his doing.

The "he" in question was already walking over and all but pushed Kylee out of her seat. She gave an indignant grunt and took a step away as if he'd burned her.

Giving me an apologetic glance, she headed over to her partner, Mark, who probably made just as bad of a lab partner as mine.

"Looks like we'll be spending a lot of time together," Blake said with a smirk.

"Shut up, jerk face. I don't need you to ruin this project for me. I can do it myself." I said, opening my book to the animal cell section.

"Oh no, this is a group project or have you forgotten." He said, leaning closer.

"Blake I swear if you don't get out of my personal space in the next three seconds, I will give you a black eye to match the one you've already got."I all but growled, giving him a pointed look.

His smirk faltered a bit, and he leaned back.

Happy with my feat, I went back to reading but was soon interrupted again.

"Ah, crap," Blake said.

"What?" I looked at him, more than annoyed.

"The projects due September 25th." he complained.

"So?" I asked, not comprehending.

"That's the night of the rivalry game with Jefferson High. I won't have any time. Coach has us practice from 3-7 pm."

"We have more than a week to do this! We'll just meet after" I said in a 'duh' tone.

"Or we just finish it this weekend." He said simply, examining his cuticles.

"Or not." I retaliated.

"I'm not getting an F on this project just because I have you as a partner." I glared.

"Oh! I'm wounded! The nerd strikes!" he mimed stabbing himself in the heart.

"Oh get over yourself!" I said with a slight twitch of a grin. I was still mad at him and he was still a jerk, but I had to admit, it looked a little funny to see the school's jock making funny faces and mime dying.

Oh, if only.

"My house tonight. 8pm. We'll start planning." He stated.

"As much as I would just love to hang out with you on a Friday night, I can't. I have to take care of my little brother." I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm.

"That's what's parents and babysitters are for." Blake said in a 'duh' tone.

The final bell rang and I got up, grabbing my books. I had already started walking away when I remembered I hadn't answered Blake.

Turning around, I put a neutral expression on my face.

"Not when one parent is dead, the other is absent most of the time, and you don't even have a list of babysitters on hand," I said to his smirking face.

His face instantly changed and an expression that almost looked like shock registered. I ignored it as a thought came to mind.

"Come to my house tomorrow after practice," I said while writing down my address.

He took it silently and started gathering his books.

Satisfied, I walked out of the room and towards my locker.


Oops! Haha it took me so long to get back to this chapter that I accidentally forgot to change Blake's name from his old one to the new one (he used to be called Ryan). Hopefully its all changed now but if you guys see any more errors like that, feel free to point it out :)

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