Chapter 9

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Pic of Kirsten^^^ played by Emily Deschanel

Maddie's POV:

"Now, Mr. Greggor, are Mrs. Knight's accusations true?" Kirsten Young set a stern face in my dads' direction.

"Now just wait a minute, I know I am not around as much as I could be, but that does not mean I abandon my children!" he yelled, upset.

"And that woman has no right-"

"Be quiet!" I shouted at him, outraged at him for first trying to imply that he cared and then calling out Mrs. Knight, the only person I've ever looked up to.

"Johnny, why don't you go upstairs, I'll check on you in a bit, bud," I said, noticing he was slightly cowering in his seat.

Kirsten nodded at him in agreement.

I could see that dad was ready to explode, but guess what? So was I.

As soon as I heard Johnny's door close, I continued before dad could even open his mouth.

"You have no right to call Mrs. Knight out! She has watched over Johnny and I the past how many years? She has practically raised me, driving us to school and making sure we didn't starve, while you were out of town, doing who knows what for months on end! You don't care! You said it yourself! ' I know that I'm not around as much as I COULD be.' " I shouted at him.

"You never said should. You know very well that you have been neglecting us! Before Mrs. Knight, heck, if I hadn't met Mrs. Knight, you and I both know that I was more of a parent to Johnny that you ever were. You can barely look at him, let alone talk to him!" I all but growled, then slumping down in my seat.

Dad looked like his head was about to explode.

"Young lady, how dare you talk to me like that? And in front of company, no less. Ms. Young, I am sorry on behalf of my daughter she is clearly taking this out of proportion-"

"I can speak for myself! And I am not taking this out of proportion! Even if Kirsten hadn't shown up today, we'd still be having this conversation! I've been waiting for you to get home for three weeks so we could speak about this very matter!" I shouted, my heart beating as fast as a hare running from a fox.

"Then you will wait until Ms. Young has left before discussing family matters. With all due respect," he said, now looking at Ms. Young.

"I would prefer to talk to my daughter alone. Once we have settled, I would be more than happy to give you a call," he said, trying to charm his way out.

"And you, young lady, go to your room. When you are under my roof, you will show respect to your father." He growled at me.

"It's kind of hard to be under 'your roof' if you're never here. And we may share the same DNA, but you will never be my father." I spat, angrier than I've ever been in my life.

The room fell silent and my dad and I glared at each other.

" Maddie, how old is Johnny?" Kirsten asked me, breaking the silence.

I opened my mouth to speak when dad cut me off.

"Five." he answered.

My stomach clenched in anger as my accusations were confirmed.

I shook my head and snorted.

"What?" he glared at me.

"He's seven," I said, deadpan.

His flushed face was all Kirsten needed to know.

"Mr. Greggor, I have heard enough. I have seen and heard enough to know that you are not suitable to raise these children,"

Kirsten said, keeping her professional face on.

"Now just wait a minute-"

"No. Maddie, please go get your brother and any essentials he may need. He is still a minor and I will place him with a guardian until a trial can be appointed. Unfortunately, you are considered an adult and therefore out of my jurisdiction. Is there a friend you could stay with?" Kirsten asked me, concern lacing her voice.

I nodded quietly, not really understanding how these events happened so quickly. I was scared because I didn't want to be apart from Johnny, but I knew that he and I could not stay here tonight. I had released all my years of feelings in just a matter of minutes and I didn't want to be around dad when Kirsten left. I turned towards the hall but then a thought struck me.

"Wait," I said, turning back around.

" We don't have a guardian. Where can Johnny go?" I asked.

Kirsten thought for a moment.

"Ah. How about Mrs. Knight? You seem pretty close to her, would she allow him to stay?" she inquired.

Relief rushed through me.

"Yes. That is actually where I am going too. Her daughter is my best friend." I said.


Dad had been just quietly standing there, as if not understanding what was going on. Then it just seemed to click. His face changed from incomprehensible to outrage in a matter of seconds. My stomach dropped as our gazes locked.

"You. Bitch!" He yelled throwing himself at me.

Time seemed to slow down as I was slammed to the ground headfirst, and he flung himself on me. Then it sped up and before I could even block my face, he lashed out, punching my face. Once. Twice. Then he shifted and started to choke me. His hand wrapped around my neck and suddenly my head felt light, as if the blood would make my head swell until it popped like a too-full balloon.

"Mr. Greggor!" Kirsten screeched, dragging him off me and pushing him back.

Air rushed back through my lungs and I coughed, breathing ragged breaths.

"How dare you lay a hand on her! I have never seen a more irresponsible parent in all of my years!" she yelled at him, making her look twice her age.

I drowned out her voice as she continued and instead looked towards the staircase, my head screaming in protest. I don't know when, but Johnny somehow made it out of his room and was sitting at the top of the staircase, staring at me.

When he saw I was looking back at him, he suddenly rushed towards me, laying on the ground and taking my hand.

Tears leaked from his eyes as he stared at my face, my left eye already starting to swell shut.

"It's okay," I whispered, my voice barely heard.

"Maddie, are you okay? Can you move?" Kirsten appeared in my line of vision. She looked concerned, checking me for any other signs of damage.

"I'm okay." I choked out. I tried to sit up and Kirsten quickly helped, supporting my back.

"I have already called Mrs. Knight. She is on her way now." Kirsten said, sitting back.

"I sent Mr. Greggor outside." Then Kirsten let out the biggest sigh I'd ever heard.

"In all my years, this has never happened. I've had yelling before. Heck, every time. But for him to actually lay a hand on you," She shook her head.

Just then, we heard yelling from outside.

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