Chapter 5

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Pic of Maddie's room^^^

Blake's POV:

I had no idea the nerd lived so close to me. Not that I'd tell her, but she lived one street away from me. I didn't even bring my car here, I walked.

When I opened the door, I half expected her to look how she always did in school. But she surprised me when she opened the door still in her pajamas.

Her little brother, Johnny, had been showing me around the house for a half hour now. So far we'd been to the kitchen, living room, dining room, and most of the upstairs room. I thought the movie theater room was awesome.

"What happened to your eye?" Johnny asked me, looking at my faded black eye.

"Did you get into a fight?"

"Not really. Someone got mad at me." I said, rubbing the somewhat sore spot.

"Why? You're nice." Johnny stated, peering up at me.

I was quiet for a minute. Never in all my years of high school, had someone called me nice. I was always the jerk. The bad boy. I was categorized as the jock and that's what everyone expected me to be. But no one got the chance to meet the real me. Girls liked me because of my bad boy attitude, so that was what I gave them. No one asked about my grades because they naturally assumed I was a dumb athlete. I held a steady 3.75 GPA and no one cares to notice.I didn't feel the need to act like that here. It was only a 7-year-old and the nerd.

When we walked down the hall, we went into Johnny's room. It was filled with all the things any 7-year-old could want.

"Awesome," I said to Johnny, checking out his rocket ship alarm clock and game boy sitting on his bed.

"Your dad gets you pretty cool stuff," I said.

Johnny got a funny look on his face and I worried I said something wrong.

"No," the little boy said quietly

"Maddie got me all this," Johnny said, glancing around the room.

I was taken aback that the nerd had such a soft spot for her brother. I didn't have any siblings but I don't think I could have as much patience with them as she does. And she got him all of this? With her own money?

"I'll show you her room!" Johnny suddenly said, running from the room. I followed him across the hall, where a white door was closed. Johnny opened it a crack and ran in.

I hesitated. Yeah, I've been to girls houses before but never to their room. My relationships never go that far.

"Come on!" the kid yelled from inside.

Taking a breath, I walked in.

I had an idea of what a girls room would look like: Pink walls, comforter, and matching furniture.

Maddie's room was plain white, with a sky blue bed in one corner and a small plain white desk in the other. Two doors, which I had assumed were a bathroom and closet, remained shut. That was it. Just the bed, desk, bathroom, and closet.

"It's very, neat," I stated, unsure what to say.

"Maddie doesn't keep a lot of stuff," Johnny said, losing interest and walking back out.

But I knew. Maddie used her money to get her brother what he wanted and used what was left for herself.


Maddie's POV:

The dinner was finally ready and I actually set it out in the dining room. It was almost never used and it felt good. Almost like I was giving life back into the house.

The boys had been playing video games for awhile and I could hear their laughter and Johnny's screams from the room.

The first time, I had thought Blake was hurting him and rushed out of the kitchen, spoon still in hand, and rushed into the living room.

Blake and Johnny were playing Mario Karts on the Wii and Johnny was safely on one end of the sofa, Blake on the other. When they heard me run in, they turned and gave me a weird look. I shook my head and walked back out, slightly grumbling.

"Boys! Dinner is ready!" I called. Sounds from the living room stopped and the sound of little feet ran towards me. The second pair, Blake's followed behind at a much more relaxed pace.

They looked at the food and grinned.

"Looks good,"Blake said, sitting in one of the four chairs.

I sat across from him and Johnny sat to my left.

I let the boys serve themselves first, knowing that they had bigger appetites than I did.

The dinner was very relaxed and somewhat enjoyable. Johnny kept us entertained all throughout, talking about everything and anything.

Towards the end of dinner, I excused myself and went back into the kitchen. Heading over to the cookie jar in the center of the island, I pulled out three of my homemade cookies.

Johnny's eyes bulged as soon as he saw them in my hand.

"OHHH!" he exclaimed excitedly.

Smiling, I passed them out and we all took a bite. Johnny and Blake sighed in unison.

"This is so good!" Johnny said over a mouthful of food.

"Did you make this?" Blake asked me, finishing the rest of the cookie in one bite.

"Yeah," I said shyly.

He slowed his chewing for a second as if a thought came to his head.

"Do you bake a lot?" he said, eyes unwavering.

"In my free time," I said, still not following.

A grin came to his face.

"How do you feel about making a cell cake?"

Blake has now changed his opinion about Maddie because he has seen personally how much she does for her younger brother. She barely does anything for herself and tries to make Johnny's childhood as best as it can be. Maddie is now more comfortable around Blake and relaxed knowing she won't be as hard to work with as he thought.

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