Chapter 17

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Pic of Colton^^^ played by Tyler James Williams

Blake's POV:

When Maddie went to go get her things, Jake and Colton had immediately cornered me.

"Way to go Kerwinn! Nice catch!" Jake commented, watching her retreating form.

My cheeks had flushed in embarrassment.

"She's not my catch. We're working on a science project together." I grumbled.

"Science partners don't go to watch science partners practice, now do they?" Colton teased.

I had scoffed and pushed them away in annoyance.

When Maddie asked me why I was quiet, I couldn't tell her I was thinking about what the boys had said to me so I quickly changed the subject to one frequently brought up in my house.

I was glad Maddie was nice about it and had many of the same thoughts I did. When I told most people about my plans they would give me a look that said 'don't you have to be smart to be an architect? You play football.'

Eventually, it got too tiring to explain so I stopped talking about it.

The more Maddie and I talked, the easier it got. We liked a lot of the same things and I learned a lot more about her.

I could even tell that she was intimidated by my house.

When my mom opened the door with one of her trademark mom smiles I knew automatically this wasn't going to end well for me.

"You must be Maddie!"

Mom completely ignored me and encased Maddie with a bone crushing hug. Maddie stood surprised for a second and then cautiously returned the hug.

"She's so pretty!" Mom mouthed to me, a smirk lighting up her features.

I sighed in exasperation, stepping forward.

"Okay mom, you don't want to crush her," I said, prying my mom's arms off Maddie.

"Oh, Okay. " Mom said, suddenly nervous.

"Oh, my, I almost forgot! My name is Velma, dear and no need for the whole Mrs business. I've heard so much about you from Blake." she said, sparing me a glance.

"I'm so sorry about your incident, dear. I do hope you're feeling better!" she said, placing a comforting arm on Maddie's shoulder.

Some of the light drained from Maddie's eye but she maintained her posture.

"Thank you, Velma." She said quietly.

Mom nodded and quickly ushered us inside.

"Sorry! I won't keep you kids any longer. The kitchen is all yours, just call if you need any help. I'll be right in the living room if you need me and your father will be home later." She said, directing the last part to me.

We both thanked her and moved towards the kitchen.

"Wow!" Maddie said, looking around. I looked too and saw it with new eyes. The counter tops were completely bare and hardwood. There was an island in the middle, the kind that had the sink in it.

I saw that mom had already set out a lot of the equipment, including ones I'd never seen before. I could only guess that she had made a 'trip' to the store.

"Wow." Maddie breathed.

"This kitchen is loaded." she said in appreciation.

She seemed to kind of shake herself out of it and turned to me.

"Okay," she said, a determined gleam in her eye.

"Let's get started."

Disaster Usually Followsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें