Chapter 13

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Pic of Mrs. Kerwinn(Blake's Mom)^^^ played by Sandra Bullock

Blake's POV:

When I finally made it back to my car, I was still numb with shock.

All these years I thought Maddie was like all the girls at my school. A rich spoiled brat who didn't do anything for herself and lived off her daddy's money.

I sighed and slammed my car door shut. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration and turned on the engine.


"Blake, where have you been?" My mother asked as soon as I walked in the door.

"A friend's house," I grunted, dropping my football bag on the floor.

"I don't want you out late like that. I don't know where you are and something could happen to you!" She reprimanded me, looking at me disapprovingly from the living room table.

"She was in trouble," I said, then immediately regretted it.

"Oh," My mother said with a new gleam in her eye.

"She was in trouble."

"Yes." I sighed and made my way to the table.

"We got paired for a project and I was supposed to go to her house to work on it. When I got there, police was parked outside so I went in." My voice started growing weak so I cleared my throat and continued.

"Her-her dad was mad at her and beat her up."

The color in my mother's face drained and the smile dropped from her face.

"Oh, my! That poor girl." she fretted, setting down the phone she was holding and wringing her hands.

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's staying at a friend's house. She only lives three blocks away."

Mom shook her head and sighed.

"How can parents be so irresponsible?"

I stayed quiet, not able to answer her question.

Suddenly she sat up and laid her hand on top of mine.

"What was the project? Maybe I can help while she is recovering."

"Thanks, Mom," I said distractedly.

She smiled at me and leaned to give me a kiss on the head. Before she could her nose wrinkled up and she sat back as if she had smelled a skunk.

"Honey, why don't you go take a shower?"

I stifled a laugh and stood up from the table. 

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