c. 2

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"Yo Ashton," I heard my teammate Tyler call. I turned around and looked back to find him running off the field towards me. "Coach has seemed really pissed that your phone keeps going off during practice." 

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "I know, I keep forgetting to silence it." I reached into my bag to find my phone. As the screen lit up I saw a missed call. I cursed silently and told Tyler I would see him at practice tomorrow.

I ran into the locker room to shower. After I rid myself of grass stains and sweat, I dressed and unlocked my phone.

I cursed again as I typed in my voicemail password, anxiously waiting to hear the message.

"I know your busy and that's why I'm leaving this message......I miss talking to you.......I'll talk to you later." I pressed the end button, throwing my phone back in my bag and sat down on a bench. I ran my fingers through my hair, wondering what to do.

"Dude next time don't run out of practice like there was fire." Tyler joked, coming into the locker room. He sat down next to me on the bench, placing his bag beside him. "Why do you do that?" "Do what?" I asked, half paying attention to him. "Leave like that, you do it all the time." I looked over and saw him taking out fresh clothes and a towel. "Who calls you anyways?"

I paused before answering him, thinking about who I always hear on the other end of my voicemail box. "It's just important." I told him. Since I was new nobody knew about May. I wasn't sure why I decided to withhold information, but I had only been here for a month.

"Oh whatever you say." He chuckled, slapping me on the back really hard. "I'm going to hit the shower." He rose from the bench, taking his clothes with him.

I was just getting ready to leave when I heard my phone ring again. I looked down at the bright screen and smirked. The words written across the screen were the ones I had been waiting to see. I slid the accept button across the screen and pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hey." Just by the sound of her voice I knew she was smiling.

"May." I readjusted my bag strap on my shoulder and walked out of the locker room.

authors note

idk why this took me so long but here it is !!! i hope you guys liked this part and im excited for the next one :)
vote nd comment my friends ;)

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