
45 2 0


August 17, 2015


Today was the day. Today was the day I started my life. The time had come to move into my college dorm, meet my roommate, and to live as an adult. My mom, Dad, and Nick all came to help me move in. I was surprised Nick even came, seeing how he drove all the way from Miami. 

"I thought Ashton was coming." My Mom vaguely mentioned as she placed a box on two other boxes. Last week Ashton told me he wasn't able to come help me move in because of everything he had to do in Oklahoma. Him saying that only set the thought of being without him even more in my mind. 

I took a deep breath and smiled at my mother. "He had some things to do at OSU." I heard a loud grumble from my brother across the room. Nick was on okay terms with Ashton. He used to pick on him constantly when they were on the soccer team together, even before Ashton and I dated. I kept telling Nick to back off, he did some, but he loved to crack little jokes at Ashton's expense. 

"When is your roommate coming May?" My Dad entered the room carrying a couple pillows. "Also you left this in the car." He tossed me my phone. I saw I had one missed call from Ashton. I answered my Dad and stepped out of the room to hear the message.

"This is so weird I don't think I've ever left you a voicemail before." He chuckled softly. "Anyways, I just called to say I love you and I miss you. I'm sorry I can't be there for you and to help you. God you start school Monday." There was a pause. "I'll be there Monday. I promise I will." There was another pause and I vaguely heard Ashton responding to someone. "I gotta go. I love you May. I'll bring you something from OSU." That was it.

After ending the message my heart seemed to break off a tiny piece of itself. I hated hearing how far away he was. I hated that I wasn't going to see his bright and beautiful face almost everyday. I wanted to watch him play the game he loved. I wanted to do so much with Ashton but now I couldn't.

I wiped away one tear that had fallen during Ashton's message. I regained my composure and joined my family back in my room. I had noticed my roommate was now talking to my mother. "Shayla?" I questioned aloud, hoping I remembered her name correctly. 

"May!" The strawberry-blonde headed girl came over to me and gave me a hug. She was quite friendly and I liked that. I could see me and her becoming good friends, which was so good to think since I thought I would hate my roommate. "It looks like you're nearly moved in." She stated after she ended  the hug. "I have just about the same number of boxes. I'm not sure where my parents went exactly."

"Do you want us to help you?" My mom asked kindly.

"Oh no." Shayla spoke loudly. "I think my parents would like the same thing you guys do, help move in your child on her first year." 

My parents and I exchanged long, emotional goodbyes. Nick even gave me a long hug, which, again, surprised me. I stood with Shalya in a room that was all our own. Her parents had come and gone as well, leaving two freshman girls alone to live their new lives. 


i'll chill w the flashbacks i promise

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