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"Ashton," I spoke softly, even though there was no reason to. I sat upright on my bed in my small dorm that I shared. My roommate, Shayla, had gone off to class and wouldn't be back for hours. "How are you? It feels like forever since we've actually talked." I smiled, running my hands across the wool blanket at the end of my bed.

"It's good I just got out of practice when I missed your call. I'm glad you called back, if not there would have been yet another voicemail." He chuckled lightly.

"How has your season been going? Do you like your teammates and everything?"

"They're all cool." He paused for a moment before speaking again. "How are you?"

"Everything is going really well. Intro to psyc is my favorite class, I think. I have this really big paper due next week. I have to give a presentation and everything. I also need to get into more community activities, I don't know many people here. I'm sorry I'm rambling."

"It's completely fine. I miss hearing you continuously talk." With hearing those words from him, my mood changed. "Anything else new?"

"Not really. My life is just as boring as before, maybe even more." I tried to make a joke, but failed knowing how upset I suddenly got.

"I think we're playing up there soon." I got excited once I heard this news. This would mean I could see the one person who meant the most to me, especially since I wasn't sure when I would.

"Really? I didn't think you would play such a smaller school."

"All colleges do it at the beginning of a season, they play smaller schools to help them out a little bit." I heard some shouting coming from his end. "Look I have to go. My friends and I have a team thing to get to. I'll talk to you soon."

"Yea that's fine." I said half heartedly, knowing what would actually happen. "Bye Ashton."

"Goodbye May." The line went dead after that. I tossed my phone on the other side of my bed.

"May! It's always so good to see your face." Shayla burst into the room, throwing her bags into a nearby chair. "Did I miss the secret conversation again?"

"What are you doing here? I thought you had classes."

"Intro to computer science got cancelled for the day, which I have never been more happy about." One thing Shayla hated more than not getting into her first choice, was introduction to computers science. "Back to what I was saying. Who is this mystery caller anyways? You always try really hard to keep it a secret, yet every time you fail. Just tell me." She shrugged, kicking off her boots.

"His name is Ashton."

voicemail ~ aiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن