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"Man aren't you just so excited?" Josh was practically exploding from excitement. Laura and her friend we're going to meet us in a few minutes and Josh was ecstatic. "I heard softball girls usually don't give the soccer guys the time of day."

"I heard that too." I muttered, not paying hardly any attention to Josh and scrolling through my phone. "I guess we're just lucky guys."

"Ashton, man, come on." Josh nudged my shoulder. "We need to go. Can you get off your phone for like two hours?" I put on a fake smile and shoved my phone into my front pocket. "Remember Laura's friends name is Casey."

"I didn't forget from the last time you told me." I said quietly to myself as we both stood in the hallway, Josh locking the door behind us.

"What was that?"



Laura and her friend Casey were both at the student union before we were. Josh and I walked up to the two girls who were sitting on a nearby couch, talking. They both turned and smiled once we got closer. "We thought you'd never show up." The blonde haired Laura said. She smiled at Josh. I looked at her friend, Casey who was looking at her friend.

"I'm Ashton." I stuck my hand out in front of her, hoping to catch her attention.

"Ashton." Casey's green eyes looked at my hand and trailed all the way to my face. She took my hand, holding it as she stood up. "I've heard so much about you." By the sound of her voice and her smile, her knowing about me, frightened me. "All good things." She reassured me, probably after seeing the look on my face.

"We should go." Josh announced. I put my arm around Casey as all four of us sauntered off.


Hours later Josh and I returned home, stuffed full of Mexican food. "I think I know." Josh announced, staring up at the ceiling from his bed.

"Know what?" I kicked off my boots and hopped on my bed, instantly pulling out my phone and turning it off airplane mode. All of my notifications popped up at once, the typical Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and some texts. One of them only being from May.

"I think I've found love." I remembered Josh was actually talking. He was so dramatic it killed me. "I could feel the energy."

"Dude, it was one date, a double date." I rolled my eyes, laying back on my bed. The date was okay, but I wasn't in love with Casey. I didn't think I would ever call her or go out again. She was nice and everything, we just didn't have that apparent energy Josh and Laura had.

"Ashton you can't tell me you haven't had that feeling. " Josh egged on.

"What exact feeling is this, Joshua?" I chuckled, finding his excitement and amazement quite funny.

"You know, the feeling."

"Will you fucking stop saying the feeling?" I threw on of my pillows across the room, where it hit my friend in the face.

"Okay seriously." Josh sat upright, facing me. "Just how you feel when you're around someone who's so great, and even though you may not be so great, they make you feel that way. Just an amazingly generous person who radiates that out to the world. But when you're with that person, it feels like they're giving that radiation only to you. That's what I mean."

"I've had that feeling before." I agreed. I still had that feeling. I could feel the radiation from 1, 304 miles away. I didn't need to be with that person to feel it.



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