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"Tell me more about this Ashton guy." Shayla asked days later. I turned from my position at my desk, looking over at her. "I mean he does call you like every week."

"He's just Ashton. He's my best friend." I said simply. It wasn't that I didn't want Shayla to know, it's just that that's all I felt was needed to say. 

"I'm going to assume that he doesn't go here." 

"That's right. He goes to Oklahoma State." At this point I had given up all hope on getting anymore work done. Once Shayla got deep enough into a conversation, there was no going back. 

"Why the hell did he choose Oklahoma over Florida? Doesn't he know Florida is where you are?" 

"Shayla..." I sighed and shook my head. "I told you he's just my friend."

"You think I'm going to believe shit like that? I know you're hiding a good detail, May." She pushed her books aside and scooted more towards the edge of her bed. She thrived on good stories. "I don't know much about him, obviously, but I think that it was more than just a friendship." I couldn't help the fact that my face was starting to get hot and I was blushing. Shayla noticed this and clapped her hands together, smiling. "Okay so just tell me why he left. If you two had a thing why would he leave? I mean it doesn't seem like it ended on bad terms. He calls all the time."

"Fine!" I threw my hands up. "I'll tell you everything. Just promise not to interrupt me." She shook her head in agreement. "It fucking sucks to see someone you love just walk away. That's kind of the short version."

"What's the long version?" Shayla wondered out loud. 

"I didn't know what to expect, honestly. I mean it's his life and his opportunities. He had the choice and I shouldn't have expected much on my side." I rambled on while my roommate stared at me confused. "He chose Oklahoma because they wanted him to play soccer for them. So badly, to be honest. It was amazing to see him that excited over it. I knew he applied here. I think at the end of the day it didn't matter to him if he applied, because he knew how many people wanted him."

Shayla shook her head in disbelief. "You loved him and he just left. I can't even imagine." 

"I'll be right back actually." I excused myself from the room, taking my phone with me. Stepping out into the hallway I unlocked my phone and started to dial Ashton's number. It rang several times before I got the same out sequence of words. Voicemail again. I paced back and forth down the hallway waiting for the beep to go off. When it finally did, it brought tears to my eyes. "I'm starting to feel really stupid for always missing you. I know how busy you are and I guess that's just part of the reason. What sucks the most is that we basically communicate by voicemail now, you know? I've just been thinking a lot lately and.." I drifted off, unsure of how to continue. "Just call me back I guess when you get this. This is May by the way." Who knew if he would even listen to that long of a stupid and sad message. Wiping off the tears that just fell down my cheek, I walked back into my dorm. Shayla was now lying back on her bed with her phone held above her face. She looked at me as soon as I closed the door.

"Voicemail?" I nodded, not willing to say anything because I knew I would only start to cry more. 


it seems every chapter is getting longer and maybe that's how i want it idk

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