Chapter 16

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Nex! /Nex/!"

The witch turned around. "Mm?"

Zephira caught up to her. "What were you doing with Kili?"

Nex smirked. "Nothing compared to what I /want/ to do with him. He is /so/-"


"... What?"

"He. Does. Not. Like. Women."

Nex frowned. "Well. That /is/ frustrating." She smiled again. "Nothing a bit of Syren magic can't fix."


"What? You've never been against this before."

"I'm not against it, I just..." She sighed. "He's... With someone."

"Who?!" Nex was intrigued. "One of the others? Ooh, no, don't tell me! I want to guess!" She thought for a moment. "The hobbit?"

"Bilbo?! Emer, no!"

"Hmm... The one with the big hat?"


"The one with the funny hair?"

"They all have funny hair."

Nex sighed. "The one with the three-points hair."

"Oh. No."

"Umm, the one whose been staring at you?"

"No- who? Who's been staring at me?"

She smirked. "Hmmm," Was all she said.

"/Who/, Nex?"

"I'd have thought you'd have noticed by now."

"Well, I haven't."


"... Well? Are you telling me or not?!"


"Ugh!" Zephira threw her arms up and started walking away.


She stopped.

"It's the blonde one."


"His brother." Nex sauntered forewords. "Are they together?"


"Huh... Well, then, there's no real other competition, I should be able to /easily/ get him to-"

"They're not just /together/, Nex, they're in love."

Nex stared at her. "Oh," She said softly. "Oh."

"So leave them alone."

"I-I will," She said, looking slightly worried. "I'm not that bad, Zephira, I wouldn't try to..." She sighed. "I'm not like the others."

"Really? Because you have been."

Nex looked hurt. "I... You don't really think that of me, do you?"

"Considering things, yes."

"Considering what?"

"Considering the fact that three minutes ago you were talking about taking a homosexual dwarf to bed without feeling the slightest bit /guilty/-"

"I didn't-"

"-and you used your Syren abilities on him before you knew who he was, how old he was, if he had a girl of his own or not, /anything/-"

"/What/ is your /problem/?!" Nex suddenly exploded.

"Right now, you!" Zephira yelled back. "You're being a spoiled little /slut/, as usual."

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