A/N AKA intro

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Pit: Hiya people!

Dark Pit: hey...

Palutena: Hello everyone! You heard it. Ask and dare away!

Viridi: Hellooooo eberyone!

Dark Pit: whatever, get it over and done with

Pandora: *enters*

Hades: *enters*

Everyone else who isn't here enters.

Pit: Why is everyone coming in???

Hades: Oh! I'm wounded! Haven't you realised that we are a part of the game KIU as well?!

Pit: KIU?

Hades: Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Pit: oh, okay.

Rosie_Lovette1234: I'll start off the book with some crap jokes.

KIU crew: You're in this book too?!

Rosie_Lovette1234: *changes name to '♥1234'

♥1234: Better

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