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Rayzie663: I dare pit and pittoo who can arrange the best date for author

Author: and who's gonna be the judge of that one? 😅

Pit/DarkPit: duh it's you.

Author: oh...

Pit: I'm gonna do a peaceful walk along the beach and the we'll watch the sunset!

Author: yeah good luck with that.

Dark Pit: um... I dunno... ah! Nintendo markets?

Author: ooh! Interesting! I'm so excited boys! Get to work! My plan is that if Pit wants to see the sunset, I'll go with Pittoo first.

Dark Pit: Yeah

The Next Day...

At The Markets...

Author: AIE! This is SO AMAZING! I love Nintendo markets!

Dark Pit: I knew you would.

Author: the food is Amazing, the jewellery and crafts are SO creative and the fashion here is BEAUTIFUL!

Dark Pit: *quietly* nothing is more beautiful than you

Author: *blushes* y-yeah... good luck with that...

Dark Pit: well look how many stuff we got! *looks at the bags in his hands and Authors hands*

Author: I think we should head on home now.

Back At Palutena's Temple

Hades: Sooooo how'd you go~~~???

Author: quite well actually! I got a lot of things! I'm going to get dressed now for the second date. *walks off with bags*

Pit: *rocking back and forth* *blushing* cuitsiziqngzifgzkfKfzogjjdhdjydndhfigusgaxjdysagqyxotairzifcggvwgxjbswjlnvtsqfirhivejbyfTjdrjdtkovdejifkgshldyoskglhsmgrwmgvznfHdXnvlhvkbltskfJrwoyfifaitdj lfMb hzlhxifkv ibkcudgwltd vgbkvxiffzifKfalgI CANT DO THIS
xhhlstsirzkgzueqktakgzrisotdlg b phofusakggsgmsmgyeoyslgslgb ho ofIdslfaiOgzkfXodaoxofIivpRidZlxogKFDxidFk lvgzoqrspystowodlgzkczkfal oralfzglxlh ogzphzogUFzpgxdi-

Palutena: PIT CALM DOWN!

Magnus: is he always like this?

Phosphera: most of the time...

Author: I'm back!

Pit: *covers face with scarf* (she looks so pretty in that dress...)

Author: ready to go?!

Pit: *looks up* y-yeah! Let's go!

At The Sunset...

Author: the sun looks so pretty...

Pit: but I bet that your ten times prettier than the sun...

Author: mmhm sure sure...

Pit: no I'm serious~! Your even prettier than a diamond~💎

Author: I've heard that before...

Pit: anyways...

Author: wow... I've actually never seen the sunset...

Pit: I knew you'd like it!

Author: I love it!

Pit: I think we should head on home now.

Author: yeah. Let's go. *starts to stand up*

Pit: *picks her up bridal style* haha!

Author: *blush* u-uh... I could just walk...

Pit: it's okay~!

Author: mmhm...

Back At Palutena's Temple...

Palutena/Viridi: so who's the winner???

Author: hm.........*silent*

Pit: *crosses fingers*

Dark Pit: *crosses fingers behind back*



Viridi: alright then you decide dear readers! Who do you think did the best date?

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