Liu x Reader

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I've been waiting here for about an hour already, and Janina's still nowhere to be found. That bitch really.

Suddenly, a platinum blond hair popped out of nowhere.


She waved her hand and pointed to the red door, under the metal stairs, separated from the alcohol reeking bodies grinding with each other then sprinted towards it. A goofy grin found its way to my face.

"Hell yeah!" I screamed over the loud background noise of the club.

I pushed the sweaty bodies out of my way, instantly falling down, obviously too drunk.  Out of the corner in my eye, I saw a red head  grinding against two guys. Horny teenagers. Tss.

I reached the metal door which leads to the VIP section, guarded by the beach-ball bouncer, then raised my hand, showing the tattoo that means 'I'm a fucking VIP, out of my way mongrel.'

I didn't wait or him to fully open the door, instead, I pushed him off and entered the dimly lit room.

Actually, I know this section far better than the back of my hand, so the amount of lighting didn't bother me one bit.

Knowing Janina so well, she'd go to the bar, flirt with the bartender, and its 'hanky-panky-with-frankie- as she call it. I snikered to the idea.

Walking over the bar stools, hoping that Janina's still in here, which I found out she wasn't, I ordered a drink myself to the attractive bartender, whom I definitely not want to spend my night with. The guy is fucking gay.

Really, if a guy is handsome, he's either gay or married, trust me on this.

"5 shots of tequila please." I said then slammed a hundred-dollar bill against the counter.

" Easy sweetheart, or you'll find yourself  on the bed with that guy." he said then pointed to the brown haired muscular guy, who is sipping, if i'm not mistaken, a scotch on a rocks.

"I won't mind though"

"Me too darling." the bartender said.

"I suggest you tell me a name. I'm y/n."

" The name's Luke."

I sighed. "Too bad." I said then batted my eyelashes.

"Don't bother flirting with me sweets, I do lean guys." he said while mixing the right combinations, and not a minute or so later, he slided it in front of me. He made himself a drink  and we both downed the liquor like there was no tomorrow.


" Darling, that's you're 11th shot of tequila, I think you've had enough." Luke said then hoisted me up by the shoulder, assisting me out of the bar.

"What time is it? I groggily asked. The floor swayed beneath me and I mentally commanded it to stop.

"2:39 in the morning "

"Aww damn."

Luke ushered me out of the bar and hailed a cab. Thank god, i'm not dead drunk. Hell be damned, if I was.

I got inside the cab blowing  a kiss towards Luke which he fabulously blew away.

The cab took a lot of turns and my i'm getting dizzier by the minute.

"Hey Mr.Driver.. " I mumbled


"Where are you taking me?"

I heard him snicker and jerked the car into a sharp stop. We were in the middle of nowhere, tall grasses, swamps, and moss-covered stones.

"Please. I'll do anything. Just  don't kill me." I pleaded. Goddamit, why did I drink
those tequila shots again? I feel so powerless, vulnerable even.


I looked up expectantly, hoping he'd let me go.

"I won't tell anyone, not even my dog. Please let me go"

"Nuh-uh. You're not going anywhere cupcake. Now strip."


yeah.. I know it took me forever to update but hey.. atleast I did right? Right?! love you. wahahaha !!


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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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