The Reveal

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Wednesday, February 24th, 2027

14.1 weeks

"Brook!" Sam yelled, and his three year old daughter came running down the stairs.

"What daddy?"

"We have to get ready to go to school to see all of your aunts and uncles." Sam told her, picking Sophia up. Her and Bailey are 21 months old.

"Okay daddy." She started back up the stairs.

"Don't run up the stairs! You remember what happened to Kelsey!" He called."And tell her and your brother and other sister to come down here." She nodded and a few minutes later, two 4 year olds and a 14 year old came down the steps.

"Yeah dad?" Kelsey asked, picking Bailey up.

"Will you help me get these two little monkey's ready?" He asked."Your mom is upstairs getting ready." Kelsey nodded and started putting Bailey's shoes on her.

"Can you braid my hair for me before we leave?" She asked.

"Yeah, if we have time." Sam told her, and she grinned. She watched the twins as he went upstairs to Justin and Janessa's room to help them get ready. He put Janessa's hair in a little pony tail with a bow, since she asked him to put one in it, and then tied Justin's shoes for him. Those two went downstairs and he went to Brooklyn's room."What'cha doin Brooky?" He asked, sitting beside her on the floor.

"Tryin' to tie my shoes." She said, sticking her tongue out as she concentrated. She looked at him, frustrated."How you do dis?" She asked. He laughed and tied her left shoe, explaining what to do, and then he let her try it out on her right shoe, and she did a pretty good job." I did it!" She exclaimed happily. Sam smiled and hugged her.

"Yeah you did!" He said, kissing her on the forehead and standing up, following her. She went downstairs to play with Janessa and he went to their bedroom, where Brenda was sitting on the bed, putting on her heels. He sat beside her and put one of his arms around her.

"You nervous about telling them?" He asked her. She smiled at him and shook her head.

"They're going to flip the hell out, but I don't care." She said. He grinned and kissed her head. He rubbed her belly, which is already beginning to poke out a bit."Are the kids ready?" She asked. He nodded, then his eyes widened.

"Crap, I have to braid Kelsey's hair." He said, and got up, going down stairs. Brenda laughed. By the time she was finished getting ready and gone downstairs, Sam was done with Kelsey's hair.

"Are we ready to go?" She asked, picking up Sophia, who was tugging on her dress to be picked up. They all yelled yes and they left, driving both of their cars. Brenda drove the twins and Kelsey, and Sam drove with Brooklyn, and the other twins. Twenty minutes, they were walking into the jam packed choir room, filled with adults in their late 20's and early 30's, a bunch of kids, and Sam and Brenda's parents and siblings.

"We always know when the Evans walk in. There's so many curly blond haired little girls!" Rachel said, picking up Bailey, who smiled at her widely."You look just like you're dad."

"Um, duh." Sam said, after he and Brenda greeted everyone, and Rachel laughed.

"I'm starting to think none of our kids will look like me." Brenda said, making Sam laugh.

"Daddy!" An almost 4 year old Santiago exclaimed, running to Sam. Becky, who is 11 months old, did the same thing, but crawled over to him. He laughed and picked them both up.

"The fact that Sam is 30 and already has like, 8 kids." Puck said, grinning. Sam glared at him.

"I'm not even 30...yet." He said, fake pouting. Brenda smiled at him and patted him on the arm, sitting with the girls, making sure her stomach was hid with her jacket. After about an hour of visiting, Sam and Brenda stood at the front of the room, getting everyone's attention.

"We have an announcement to make." Brenda said, putting her hand in Sam's.

"What?"Everyone started sprouting random things, and Puck said,

"What, are you pregnant again or something?" Sam pointed at him and said,

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner!" Everyone laughed, but stopped when they realized what that meant. Mary and Donna started crying as they hugged Brenda.

"What am I? A piece of poop or something?" Sam asked. They laughed and hugged him too.

"I can't believe I'm getting another grandbaby!" Mary exclaimed happily when everyone finished congratulating them.

"Actually..."Brenda said, trailing off.

"What? Is it twins again?" Quinn asked, playing the part, even though she knew already.

"Brooklyn!" Sam called and she came running over to him. He picked her up."How old are you?"

"Three." She said, holding up three fingers. Sam looked at everyone and said,

"There ya go." It took everyone a few seconds to realize what he said.

"Triplets!" Mercedes and Stacy screeched. Brenda laughed and nodded as everyone started freaking out.

"Oh my god, how did you do that!" Finn yelled at Sam, who was still laughing. Soon, he got quiet and had his thinking face on.

"What baby?" Brenda asked.

"I just remembered what I asked mama when she told us she was pregnant again, but with twins." Mary laughed.


"I asked her if we were gonna be like the 19 kids and counting people."He said, looking at everyone, then looked at Brenda."But I just realized that...We are."He said. She looked at him seriously, laughed, and then had an 'Oh shit' face. Sam snorted.

"I already have 8 kids, and then add these next three, I'll have 11." He said.

"And I'll have 10." She said, sticking her tongue out at him.

"You two are so weird." Kelsey said.

"That's why you love us." Sam told her. She looked at him weird, and then grinned slightly.

"Yeah, I do."

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