South Carolina

342 3 0

Saturday, August 29th, 2026

9 AM

"Daddy, wake up!" Brooklyn said, sitting on Sam's chest and poking his face. He opened one eye and looked at her. He rubbed his eyes and looked at her again. He picked her up and sat all the way up.

"Where's mama?" He asked her.

"Baffroom." She said cutely. He smiled.

"You ready to go see your great grandpa?" He asked and she nodded. She loved Pa so much it was surprising. "Alright, let me get up and get ready." She nodded and got off of him and sat on the bed just watching him as he put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Brenda came out of the bathroom with her makeup on and her now shoulder length, brown hair, straightened. They got the kids ready and left in their black SUV (8 seater). Sam drove and Brenda sat in the passenger seat, then there was Kelsey, Janessa, and Justin, and in the very back was Brooklyn, Bailey, and Sophia.

"Where we going mama?" Justin asked.

"We're going to the lake."Brenda told him,"to see your cousins, aunts and uncles."

"Can we swim?" Brooklyn asked.

"You can swim with your daddy if you all be good." Brenda said.

"You're not getting in mom?" Kelsey asked.

"I don't know yet. I doubt it."

"Why?" Bailey and Sophia asked. They always ask 'Why?' nowadays to everything someone says.

"I might just hang stay with grandma."

"Why?" Sam snorted and Brenda smiled. They listened to the radio until they reached the lake. Almost as soon as the car stopped, Kelsey was out of the car and going to pa. Sam and Brenda got the rest of the kids and their stuff out of the car. Justin and Janessa went to Donna and Terry, and Brooklyn and the twins stayed with Sam and Brenda. Brenda held Bailey on her hip and Sam held Sophia on his. Brooklyn was clutching onto his hand and semi-hiding behind him since she had never met most of the family. He picked her up in his other arm.

" Awe, look at the little family!" Aunt Florence said, gushing over the Brooklyn and the twins."Can I have a hug?" She asked Brooklyn, who looked at Sam. He nodded to her and she looked at Aunt Florence and hid her face in Sam's shoulder. He laughed.

"I'm, sorry. She's shy when she meets new people." Sam told her.

"It's okay. What about you? Can I have a hug?" She asked Sophia, who giggled and went to her. Bailey went to Amanda almost immediately. Sam and Brenda went and sat with the rest of the family.

"How old is she?" Uncle Ronnie asked.

"2." Sam and Brenda answered.

"She'll be 3 in February." Brenda told them.

"That's right, she was a Valentine's Day baby." Beth said and they nodded.

"The best and worst day ever." Brenda said. Sam snorted."Don't laugh if you ever want more kids."She said, looking at him pointedly.

"Wait, really?" He asked.

"No, Sam." She laughed.

"So, are there anymore babies in your future? Maybe trying for a son?" Uncle Jennings asked. Sam and Brenda looked at each other, the other adults noticing quickly.

"Are you pregnant?" Aunt Pete asked loudly, the entire family turning their attention to Sam and Brenda. Everyone started asking questions.

"N, no, I'm not pregnant." Brenda said, loud enough for everyone to hear.

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